For Those Who Want A Baby: Ovulation Calculation

For Those Who Want A Baby: Ovulation Calculation
For Those Who Want A Baby: Ovulation Calculation

There are several methods for determining the date of ovulation. So, you can measure basal temperature or monitor your feelings. Or you can use a calendar or special devices.

For those who want a baby: ovulation calculation
For those who want a baby: ovulation calculation

Pregnancy can occur only at a certain time, namely during ovulation. At this stage, the egg cell matures, which means that it is ready for fertilization. That is, in order to increase the likelihood of conception, it is necessary to calculate exactly when ovulation will occur. And you can calculate such a date in several ways.

The first way to determine the date of ovulation is calendar. It is the simplest, but at the same time the most unreliable. It is believed that a woman's menstrual cycle lasts an average of 24-30 days. The beginning of the cycle is considered to be the first day of menstruation, and the end is the last day before the onset of the next menstruation. If the cycle is regular, then ovulation should occur 11-14 days before the start of the cycle. That is, in order to calculate this date, you need to count 11-14 days from the estimated day of the beginning of menstruation. But it is worth remembering that any health problems can provoke a malfunction of the menstrual cycle. And in this case, the calendar method will not give accurate and reliable results.

Failure of the menstrual cycle can be triggered by stress, a sudden change in climate, colds, a strict diet, taking certain medications and much more.

The second way to calculate ovulation is to measure basal temperature. So, in the first 12-14 days, the temperature will average 36, 3-36, 7 degrees. Before ovulation, she can reach her minimum. Then, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which causes the maturation of the egg, the temperature will rise to 37, 1-37, 2 degrees. Then it may fall slightly, but it will be steadily elevated until the end of the menstrual cycle. You need to measure the temperature in a special way. The thermometer is placed in the rectum of the sutra immediately after awakening. You should not get out of bed and make any sudden movements. To accurately determine fluctuations and abrupt changes, you need to keep a schedule and take into account data for at least the last three months. Otherwise, the results will not be accurate. To draw a graph, draw a coordinate system and mark the days of the cycle on the abscissa and the temperature on the ordinate. Take measurements daily and make notes on the graph.

An increase in basal temperature can cause erotic dreams, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, as well as acute infections.

The most reliable and at the same time uncomplicated method for determining the day of ovulation is the use of special tests. The test contains a special indicator substance that allows you to determine the amount of specific female hormones. So, progesterone is responsible for maturation, and during ovulation its amount is maximum. This hormone is found in urine, and when it gets on the test, the indicator will help to identify an increase in progesterone levels, that is, to determine that ovulation has occurred.

Try to listen to your body. During ovulation, symptoms such as a change in the amount and consistency of vaginal discharge, aching pains in the lower abdomen, and an increase in sex drive may occur.

To obtain accurate data, it is best to combine several methods of calculating ovulation.
