Calculation Of The Beginning Of Maternity Leave

Calculation Of The Beginning Of Maternity Leave
Calculation Of The Beginning Of Maternity Leave

Maternity leave is guaranteed by the Labor Legislation of the Russian Federation to officially employed women. To obtain it, you will need a properly issued sick leave and a woman's statement. The date of going on maternity leave is easy to calculate on your own if you know the gestational age.

Calculation of the beginning of maternity leave
Calculation of the beginning of maternity leave

Expectant mothers are often looking forward to going on maternity leave in order to devote all their time to preparing for the birth of a baby. Sometimes, at the beginning of maternity leave, they postpone other important things that they could not do before. Of no small importance for many women are the payments that are due for pregnancy and childbirth, because there will be a lot of expenses for the purchase of a dowry for a baby. Often, women plan to take another paid leave before the maternity period in order to have a better rest before childbirth, so calculating the exact date of maternity leave is very important for them in order to optimally plan their expenses and time.

The calculation is based on the gestational age established by the obstetrician. The beginning of maternity leave falls on the 30th week, its duration is 140 calendar days. In cases of multiple or complicated pregnancies, they go on maternity leave 2 weeks earlier - at 28 obstetric weeks. Unemployed women and female students can only apply for maternity benefits, which are paid by the social protection authorities.

Officially employed women have the right to maternity leave, the obligation to pay for this period is assigned to employers, with subsequent reimbursement of the funds spent from the Social Insurance Fund.

The desired date can be calculated independently. To do this, you need to remember the first day of the last menstruation - it is this date that is taken as the beginning of pregnancy, obstetric weeks are counted from it. A woman needs to take a calendar, mark this indicator on it and count 210 days or 30 weeks. This will be the date of the prenatal leave.

Maternity leave is calculated at a time, including the time of preparation for childbirth and postpartum recovery, according to the scheme 70 + 70 days or 84 + 70 days (in case of multiple pregnancies). If childbirth occurs earlier or later than the expected date, the woman will not lose anything in monetary terms - she will receive all the payments required by law immediately upon granting her leave. If the birth was complicated, the doctor will write out an additional sick leave for up to 14 days, and the employer will also pay the sick leave.

You can clarify the duration of pregnancy based on the results of a medical study: hCG tests, an ultrasound study and some other indicators allow you to calculate the age of the fetus as accurately as possible.

If a woman wants to go on maternity leave after the deadline established by law, you need to know that the doctor does not have the right to issue a certificate of incapacity for work later than the estimated date - the FSS strictly monitors the observance of the correctness of drawing up the sick leave. If a violation is found, the doctor and the woman in labor will be punished with a fine, and the employer will be denied reimbursement of expenses. Therefore, the accountant also cannot accept an incorrectly drawn up sick leave as a basis for the payment of funds.

Regular paid leave can be used both before and after childbirth. In this case, his vacation will smoothly turn into maternity leave (and vice versa), and the woman will get more time to prepare for childbirth, or will be able to recover better after them. At the end of the maternity leave, a woman is entitled to a childcare allowance for a child up to 1, 5 years old. To do this, you need to provide the employer with a package of documents provided for by law and write a corresponding application.
