While expecting a second child, the mother must prepare the elder for important changes in the family. A competent explanation will help your son or daughter get used to the new situation and, together with their parents, rejoice in the imminent appearance of the baby.

Step 1
Choose the appropriate explanation based on the child's age and knowledge of human reproduction. A mother's pregnancy can be a good occasion to delicately present information about sexual relations between people.
Step 2
A baby of three or four years old will have enough of the message that he will soon have a little brother, who is now in his mother's belly. Link this question with the fact that now you should not strain. Try to explain to your child that you cannot carry it in your arms as often as he wants. But do not diminish attention to him, on the contrary, the baby should understand that his parents still love him.
Step 3
A child of five to seven years old can also be told about how children appear. If your son or daughter asks this question themselves, be especially attentive to the conversation. Stock up on literature written by professional educators. In brochures and books, information is given in an accessible form and is provided with appropriate pictures. If your child can already read, you can give them a self-study book. This will relieve you of any awkwardness.
Step 4
Talk about how your life will change after the arrival of a new family member. If you do not have a second nursery, prepare the elder to share the living space with the younger. Explain that your little brother will be able to become a good friend to him later, even though the age difference. Together, think about where you will place the toys, ask your baby to help you choose a corner where the newborn's crib will be. This will give the older child confidence and help him become a full participant in the events.
Step 5
A separate issue is a discussion of a sensitive topic with a teenager. He is already able to appreciate the importance of changes in the family. However, your first child may have other concerns. How will the baby affect his life, will he not become a source of constant worries? It is not worth reminding the older child of responsibility once again. Explain to your teen that you are not going to bind him with a lot of worries about your little brother. Better tell us about the positive aspects of having a baby in the family.