How To Tell A Child That He Will Have A Brother

How To Tell A Child That He Will Have A Brother
How To Tell A Child That He Will Have A Brother

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You are pregnant, and soon there will be another replenishment in your family - a second baby will be born. This is a joyful and happy event for you and your relatives, but how will the older child react to the fact that soon he will not be the only favorite in the family?

How to tell a child that he will have a brother
How to tell a child that he will have a brother


Step 1

It is necessary to inform the child that he will soon have a brother so as not to injure him, not to give reasons for jealousy. It should be borne in mind that the younger the child, the less developed the ability to wait - he cannot imagine what it is like “in a few months”. Therefore, if the child is small, it is not worthwhile to inform him early about the news of the replenishment in the family, it is better to talk about it when you no longer have the threat of termination of pregnancy, and when the tummy begins to appear.

Step 2

It is necessary to inform the child that the mother has a little brother in her tummy, it is necessary in a calm atmosphere, it is better if at this moment you are alone, and no one will interfere. The child's reaction can be different: he can be frightened, angry or, conversely, happy, but more often children do not understand the first time what you are talking about - they need time to think over the information, to get used to this news. It may take a while: maybe a day, maybe a week.

Step 3

Don't rush things. Do not rush to go into details and tell the child about the baby, where he is and why he ended up there. When the child gets used to the idea of a brother who is about to be born, he himself will begin to ask you questions that interest him. Satisfy his curiosity, but tell only what interests him. Older children, of course, will be interested in the question of how the brother got into your stomach, what he does there and how he looks. If you find it difficult to explain all this to a child on your own, buy a "book about a brother" - an encyclopedia for children, where in accessible pictures that do not traumatize the child's psyche, it is shown how a small child appears in the mother's tummy, how it grows and develops.

Step 4

After you have told your child about the imminent appearance of a brother, do not try to instill in him love for the future baby by talking about what good friends they will become. On the contrary, tell your child more often that when the baby is born, he will be so small that at first he will only suck on the pacifier and sleep. This way you will avoid the big disappointment of the older child when instead of a friend he sees a little man wrapped in a blanket. It will be a long time before they can play together.

Step 5

If you want your older child to look forward to his brother's arrival, ask him to help you choose a name for him. This is a very good omen when an older child gives a name to a younger one. So, on a subconscious level, he creates an internal connection and love with him. Do not limit your older child's attention either during pregnancy or after childbirth. Then he will sincerely love his brother and help you take care of him.
