Scientists these days have come to the general opinion that babies can be fully communicated from their very birth. Each parent can learn how to understand what exactly he would like to say the child. So how do you understand the kid?

If the baby is interested in something, he does not take his eyes off (eg a toy). Also open mouth, eyebrow play. In this case, give him something new in his hands and let him play. Talk while playing.
If the baby is upset, its corners of the mouth are downcast, the eyebrows are "house", a whimper is barely audible. Don't panic, be calm. Press him with his face to you, wiggle, stroke the back.
If the baby is bored and wants your attention, then he whines, screams and whimpers, and may also throw toys on the floor. Give him a developing toy: a bright one that glows, plays. Sing him a song, but not lullabies. Leave the baby alone for a while - he will consider everything around and study.
If the baby is angry, then his face becomes covered with red spots, his eyes are half-closed, cries loudly, and does not want to contact you, is repelled. If you are sure that the child is not in pain, then most likely he is hungry or tired and wants to sleep. Try to feed him, calm him down, shake him.
If the baby is looking at you very carefully, it means that he is studying you. Look into his eyes, smile, because eye contact is the most important thing between mom and baby.
If the baby is afraid, then his eyes are open and his gaze is immobile. The baby itself is not yet able to calm down, so talk. Your calm and gentle voice will let your baby know that there is no danger.
If the baby feels uncomfortable, he cries, possibly for a long time. His face is covered with red spots, tense, kicks his legs and presses them against his tummy. Most often it is colic and you need a soft tummy massage (circular clockwise rotation), a warm diaper.
If the baby is happy, then he smiles broadly, a contented expression of his eyes, active in his movements, talkative. Watch him and try to prolong this mood as long as possible. Smile and talk, play with him.