Nature assigns its own age to the development of each child's skill. A one-year-old child is allowed to show and develop his skills, accumulate life experience, during which he explores the world and makes his little discoveries.

Step 1
In the second year of life, the baby continues to master the skills of walking and speaking. Exploring the space around, the child expands his horizons, and speech gives him the opportunity to communicate with loved ones in a new way. One year old children like active games, toys on wheels that can be rolled, carried or pushed in front. They are very good for the physical development of the baby, help him maintain balance, and feel more confident when walking.
Step 2
Try to arrange a low slide of sofa cushions on the floor at home so that your baby can climb it with your help. Children love to overcome obstacles, and such a game can be turned into exercises for the crumbs.
Step 3
For the development of intelligence, a one-year-old baby needs sorters, collecting plastic or wooden toys. Show your little one how to build a tower from cubes, assemble a constructor with large parts. Foldable toys will also help develop your child's fine motor skills.
Step 4
The kid will also like to pour water from one container to another, play with sand, a ball, search for hidden objects. Draw with it with your finger paints while bathing in the bathroom, or on paper. Begin to familiarize the baby with the size and shape of objects. The emotional development of the child is facilitated by walks in nature, in beautiful, picturesque places.
Step 5
More and more words appear in the vocabulary of a one-year-old child. Talk to your baby more often, voice all your actions and his actions, trying to pronounce the words clearly. The baby is already able to carry out your little orders: "find", "bring", "go", "give". He learns the simple daily activities that you teach him: wash, eat with a spoon, comb your hair, etc.
Step 6
Read aloud to the child every day, let the child look at the illustrations in the books. Children also need games in "okay", "magpie-white-sided". Do not forget that every child is an individual, and it may only be a matter of time before it develops a particular skill.