One of the main social institutions - the school - is indispensable for both younger children and adolescents. And while many send their children to school because it is the initial stage of education, the school actually has a much wider range of hidden functions. Which of them are key in the process of becoming an individual?

The importance of school for children
In the process of upbringing and the formation of a personality, the environment of a person plays a huge role, which has a constant influence on him of one kind or another. The school, along with the family, has a huge impact on the child's mind, and sometimes the influence of the school and related institutions is much greater than the influence of the parents themselves.
Why can't a school be replaced by anything else?
Because only in school can social "educational" functions be realized, which are represented by socializing, integrating and behavioral-orienting mechanisms.
Already from kindergarten, a person begins to adapt to the team and make contacts, but at school this socialization process is more serious - children spend a lot of time alone, not under the supervision of adults.
If in kindergarten an individual still does not understand the processes and emotions occurring in his brain, then at school he can specifically say why he does not like a classmate, why he likes this teacher and not another, why he condemns something, but he does not condemn something else - a value orientation begins to form in the child in elementary school.
In addition to the formation of the psychological foundation and adaptation of the child to society, primary school performs a huge number of intellectual functions - it is in primary school that the child develops the basic skills of writing, reading and counting. Also, in primary school, the child begins to adapt to work in a team, which is also an important process of socialization.
If you isolate a child from interaction with his peers, then a person with low self-esteem can grow out of him, completely not adapted to real life and adequate interaction with people.
The need to attend school for teenagers
In Russia, the first four grades of a school are considered an elementary school, and the further 7 grades are divided into secondary (4 to 8) and senior (9 to 11) schools. Although writing and reading skills are formed in the first four grades, it is obvious that they will not be enough for further functioning in society and, moreover, in a professional environment.
In addition, the process of socialization of the individual lasts almost until the age of 25: in the future, the university team comes to replace the school, and then the work environment, which are an indispensable part of the same process - socialization.
Why is it important to get at least 9 grades of education?
It is in secondary school that a person gradually enters a conscious age: the process of value orientation comes to an end, the ability to take responsibility for their actions arises, and many even begin to earn their first money, thereby gradually breaking the shackles of parental care.
It is in the middle-high school that a person forms the main interests and life guidelines. If in elementary school all children are friends with each other, then in middle and senior school the team is often divided into groups of two to four people.
School teaches a person to adapt, school teaches a person to contact with other people, both adults and peers. Do not forget that it is at school that a person develops an interest in a particular area of activity - most people already in grades 9-11 know what they want to devote their lives to, therefore, interrupting the learning process and learning the world until that moment, how a child enters the 9th grade can result in different, not always deplorable, but unpleasant consequences.