So, you were surprised to find that your three-year-old angel has learned to lie. Horrible! But do not rush to punish, think about why there is a need for lies at all. After all, to be honest, you had to lie too, didn't you?

Didn't you the day before yesterday, late for work, told your boss about traffic jams, or asked your husband to pick up the phone and say that you were not there. It was? And you, of course, decided that your child does not understand anything yet? Alas, this is not the case. As you can see, you yourself are to blame: after all, it was from you that the child learned that lying is quite normal, it is a way to solve some unpleasant problems.
But with the question of what kind of problems your child has, you have to deal very seriously with it: after all, the ways of dealing with him will depend on the cause of the lie.
The first reason for childish lies may be your selfishness. Do you allow your child to bring a pebble or a twig from the street? This is inconvenient for you, since all this garbage disturbs the order in the apartment. But this is garbage for you, and for the baby it is his first treasure in life. And, of course, since my mother does not allow, then sooner or later he will think of the point that he can not ask permission.
A very common form of seemingly pointless lies is when a child begins to tell fictional stories about how he did something better than everyone else, and how the teacher praised him for it.
Having caught the kid in a lie, you frown with displeasure and begin to scold him. But stop! Remember the last time you praised him? Do not you consider it necessary to do this, so as not to spoil? In vain. Your child needs praise and your approval like air, and if lying is the only way to get it, then he will continue to tell you fantastic stories.
Sometimes a child lies to avoid punishment. And here, too, is entirely your fault. Are you and your baby too strict? Are your punishments appropriate for the child's age? If punishment seems trivial to you, this does not mean that it is also such a punishment for the child: it is quite possible that for him this is the most real grief.
So, we come to a disappointing conclusion: that the reason for children's lies, especially when it comes to a very small child, is in ourselves. Therefore, one must start with oneself. First of all, stop lying yourself. Try to build a trusting relationship with your baby: if he trusts you, then he will simply have no reason for lying.
And one more thing: do not confuse ordinary childhood fantasy with a lie. Your child lives in the wonderful world of childhood, and while he is small, do not bother him to communicate with fabulous creatures, travel along mysterious roads that are no longer available to you.