Sometimes not only adults but also children have to face death. Or the baby, having heard information incomprehensible to himself, asks you such an uncomfortable question. The task of the parent is not to get confused and to answer in such a way as not to frighten the child.

Step 1
Do not dismiss the child's uncomfortable questions and in no case tell the child that it is too early to think about it. Well, if your child wanted to know this information, then it will achieve its goal. Often, children come up with their own legend about what happens to dead people. If you do not want your child to have unexplained fears, it is better to satisfy his curiosity.
Step 2
How you respond to your child will affect his or her attitude towards death. If you get scared or angry, your little one will feel your emotions and decide that death is scary or not to be asked about. Talk to your child in an even and calm tone.
Step 3
Tell that the deceased person stops moving, eating, breathing. He no longer hurts, is not cold and does not feel sorry. Needless to say, the deceased fell asleep. In this case, the baby may have a fear of falling asleep, which will not be easy to get rid of. Also, do not use phrases like "he left", otherwise the next time the baby will give you a tantrum when you go to the store.
Step 4
Based on your worldview, explain to your child about the soul. Even if you are an atheist, it is important for your baby to know the fact that he will not disappear without a trace. It should be emphasized that the person who is being buried is no longer the close friend of the baby. The soul flew to heaven, and what was left was just a shell.
Step 5
Almost every child begins to wonder if their parents will die. At the age when children learn about death, they are still too dependent, the possible separation from their parents terrifies them. You can tell your child that when you are all old, the whole family will move to heaven. A child of four to five years old will not think about the age difference and realize the catch only when he gets older and can accept this fact.
Step 6
Following this question, the child usually begins to worry about whether he will die. Tell us that this will happen many, many years later, after the baby has its children, and then grandchildren, and he becomes old. This gives the child a positive attitude towards the future life. You can also add that perhaps scientists by that time will be able to create a cure for death.
Step 7
Explain the funeral rituals to your child. Tell that the bodies of the dead are placed in the graves, and then flowers are planted in the ground to make it beautiful. That loved ones who have died love to be remembered alive. That they watch the child from the sky and, if necessary, can give him advice.