Childhood jealousy is a struggle for the attention of parents in any way possible. Disobedience, whims, fights, demonstration of one's own "unhappiness" are used - there are a lot of options. In such a situation, many parents are lost and do not know how to behave.

Childhood jealousy can be caused by the appearance of another child in the family. The birth of a younger brother or sister is a new stage in the life of a family. At first, the older child perceives the baby as a new toy, which is curious to consider and touch. But soon the firstborn will understand that the baby has settled on its territory forever. Now you need to share toys with him, your living space, and most importantly, the love and attention of your parents.
The smaller the age difference in children, the more jealousy will manifest itself. Some children show aggression towards the baby, but even more often they get angry at the parents who did this unfairly to them.
To avoid or minimize attacks of jealousy, it is necessary to prepare the older child in advance for the appearance of the baby. Talk to him, explain that you will also love him very much after the baby is born. Try to preserve the already well-established family traditions that the older child is used to: family walks on weekends, outings, a bedtime story.
Involve the eldest in caring for the newborn. When you bathe your baby, he or she can bring and hold a towel, or help lather the baby's hands. We all go for a walk together, let the child, under your careful guidance, carry the stroller with the baby.
Taking care of your little brother or sister together with you, the child will not feel abandoned and superfluous in the family. No matter how busy you are with caring for your baby, be sure to take time to communicate with your firstborn: play with him, draw, or just have a chat.
As your baby grows up, make it a rule to never compare children to each other. This is a direct route to inciting jealousy and rivalry between children. In every possible way, emphasize and cultivate the idea that you are one family, the closest and closest people who should love and take care of each other.
Children are often jealous of one parent. For example, having come home in the evening, dad should hug and kiss mom, as the baby bursts into crying and an aggressive cry: "My mom!" This usually happens in families where the dad works a lot and is rarely at home. In such a situation, you need to explain to the baby that mom loves him and dad equally much, and the father should try to spend more time with the child. The main thing is for the child to understand: you are one family and dad loves you all very much, and is not at all going to take mom away.
It is important to maintain confidence in parental love in children. Find your own way that suits your family and develop all childhood fears and doubts!