How can men avoid fatal mistakes during the first intimacy? How not to lose your girlfriend by making mistakes during the first sex?

Sex is not a sport
You need to know that the psychology of men and women is fundamentally different. For a girl, it is not the process of making love itself that is important, but what surrounds her in this process. In her memory, only how comfortable she was and whether they looked into her eyes at the same time will be deposited.
Muscle flexing
It is important to understand that most women are not visuals. Tactile sensations are much more important to them. A girl should like to touch a man's breasts and abs, but do not be upset if she is indifferent to the play of male muscles, even if she really has something to be proud of.
The first 10 minutes of dating are not good for sex
If the first intimacy occurs in the first minutes of acquaintance, it will not allow you to build a long-term and serious relationship in the future. A man who has achieved intimacy too quickly will be tormented by doubts that other applicants will get it the same way without effort. The future life of a man who can abstain from sex in the first days of acquaintance will be much easier.
The use of any stimulants must either be discussed in advance, or, even better, not advertised at all. Although the penis for a man is a source of pride, you should not invite a girl to watch the action of Viagra, since there is a great risk of finding out what kind of animal she will consider him to be.
Acrobatics in bed
When you first have sex, you should try to tune in to each other. It's kind of figuring out what a girl likes and what doesn't. Given the psychology of the girl, the movements should be careful and soft in order to give her the opportunity to decide in which position she is more comfortable.
Remembrance of an ex
Sex for a girl is most often not a competition of physical capabilities and talents, and therefore, when comparing her with her ex, you should not be surprised if the intimacy process ends on this phrase, and when leaving, the girl also slams the door loudly. Feelings are much more important for a girl. rather than technology and physiology. She does not need praise for her talents, she will enjoy just a gentle kiss.
One of the worst options for starting a conversation is dating at a nightclub. Lack of lighting, as well as alcohol, will not allow a sober assessment of the future partner. If, nevertheless, this happened, then waking up with an unfamiliar partner in a common bed can be a test on both sides. So it is better to end the "date" before dawn in order to wake up alone.