The easiest way to find out something about a loved one is to ask him about it. But for some reason, people often cannot overcome their shyness and ask a frank question, for example, about sex.

Conclusions of psychologists about the existence of thoughts in men during sex
From conversations with men who turn to psychotherapists specifically about sex, experts have concluded that a partner thinks about a woman during intercourse. True, not always about a partner.
If a woman is dear to a man, if he cares about their relationship, during sex he thinks about how to please his partner. The representative of the stronger sex does not close his eyes at this time - firstly, he enjoys the view, and secondly, he tries to catch what a woman feels at this time.
Sometimes, if a man wants to prolong intercourse or "wait" for a partner, he may think about extraneous things to distract himself. Therefore, if you notice that your partner has a slightly absent gaze during sex, do not panic.
Often, a man during intercourse, in the same way as a woman in this situation, cares about how he looks at this moment. That is why the insecure part of the strong half of humanity prefers the knee-elbow position. So the woman does not see any flaws in the man's figure, and the partner can observe the picture that stimulates him.
But, according to psychologists, most often a man does not think about anything during intercourse. It turns out that the most natural state of male consciousness at this moment is the absence of any thoughts. The physical sensations in sex completely occupy the partner, so there is no need for him to think at this time.
What pictures help a man in sex
If a couple has been together for a long time and the passion has subsided, a man may need additional stimulation not only of erogenous zones, but also of his fantasies. A woman should not be upset if her partner asks for something new in their sex life. It only means that her man thinks about maintaining the relationship.
In order for a long-time partner to think about the right things during sex and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, you do not need to completely turn off the lights and you should pay attention to your erotic outfit. Do not forget about the truth that a man loves with his eyes.
A lamp with a dense pink or red shade gives a woman's body seductive, appetizing shades, and underwear from a sex shop can instantly direct a partner's thoughts in the right direction. It is not at all shameful to ask a man what fantasies visit him during sex, it will help you to awaken passion. If you think about your loved one constantly and work on a relationship, then he will take care of you during sex.