What Are The Options For Role-playing In Bed

What Are The Options For Role-playing In Bed
What Are The Options For Role-playing In Bed

Role-playing games for a couple are not only a way to diversify sexual relations, but also to spend time exciting and fun together. They help to eliminate internal tension, to loosen up, to present oneself or get to know a partner from a new side. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid to overplay or not cope with the role - believe me, in this case the viewer will be grateful.

What are the options for role-playing in bed
What are the options for role-playing in bed

The options for the games depend on the imagination and preferences of the couple. Scenarios can be discussed in advance or you can surprise your partner. Don't be in a hurry: if the game develops too quickly, it is lost. The options below will allow you to choose or come up with your own and tune in to the desired mood.

  • Doctor and patient. A common option in which one of the partners acts as a doctor for the other. In this case, it is advisable to use a special costume from a sex shop. Therapeutic manipulations can include everything that imagination allows: massage, examination by a gynecologist with the use of "instruments" (a vibrator is perfect), use of a phonendoscope, and so on.
  • Master and maid. In this game, the entourage plays an important role. A maid costume is required. The script is suitable to surprise the man after a hard day. Twilight, candles, a set table. The maid looks after the gentleman: pours wine (put only one glass), serves a cigar, is sexually engaged in cleaning and so on.
  • Auto mechanic and driver. The game can be played at home or in the garage. Roles are assigned based on the couple's preferences. A suit is optional, but a work jumpsuit will add a certain amount of sexiness. A body stained with machine oil can be depicted by applying dark shadows to the skin.
  • Prostitute and client. In this case, the game can be presented as a surprise. It is proposed to meet a man in the twilight, changing your usual image as much as possible: put on a wig, new revealing clothes, apply bright makeup. The ideal option would be if the player does not recognize the partner. To do this, you can blindfold the man with a quick appearance. It is possible to meet a partner in this image not in an ordinary setting, but in a hotel room.
  • Maniac and victim. The game is fun to play in nature, although a deserted night entrance and elevator are fine as well. The main thing is not to overplay, so that vigilant citizens do not come to the rescue. By the way, a woman can play the role of a maniac.
  • Policeman and criminal. A suit is desirable, although it is possible to do only with a cap. Roles are assigned based on the wishes of the couple. At the same time, the policeman ruthlessly punishes the offender.

There are infinitely many options for games for adults. At the same time, the imagination of partners will allow you to invent and realize the most daring sexual fantasies.
