A woman is a creature that requires attention and numerous compliments. She wants to catch rapturous glances on herself, bathe in flattering words. In order not to be a gray mouse, you need to develop the sexuality that was originally inherent in every woman.

Step 1
First of all, love yourself, despite all the disadvantages and disadvantages present in appearance and character. Of course, the modern fashion industry dictates the parameters of beauty, but after all, sexuality is not the length of the legs, the girth of the waist or the size of the chest, it is a state of mind, inner harmony with oneself and the outside world. A notorious woman will not be able to interest a man, no matter how much she wants to. Men like relaxed and self-confident women. Love yourself and your body.
Step 2
Learn to enjoy life. A sad and eternally dissatisfied person does not attract the admiring glances of others. Only shine in the eyes and an active life position. Think positively: try to consider the beautiful even in small things, because it is from them that the mood for the whole day is sometimes formed. And a smiling and laughing woman is undoubtedly sexy.
Step 3
Always listen to your body. Pay attention to the emotions you feel in a given situation. Periodically ask yourself the question: "Are these your emotions or stereotypes imposed by society?" Be sincere with yourself and don't try to fool yourself. Do what you want, not the way you should. If you decide to buy yourself leather underwear, then do not torment yourself with remorse - feel free to go to the store. Feel free to wear pretty dresses, high heels - it is femininity that is sexy.
Step 4
Playfulness and coquetry are the most important traits of sexuality. Charm and attraction should show through in your gestures and actions. A look with a devilish look, a graceful gait from the hip, relaxed movements, an open smile, a willingness to support absolutely any topic of conversation, even a frank one - all these techniques will help you open up a new side and develop sexuality in yourself.