The controversy about various aspects of sexual life arose immediately after the overwhelming majority nevertheless admitted that there is sex in the country. And immediately this phenomenon had many supporters and positive properties. Much has been written and said about the benefits of sex. The opposite aspect is also worth considering: the effect of sexual fasting on men.

Sex and men
You should not row all males with the same comb. The harm of abstinence should be judged taking into account subjective factors such as age, degree of temperament and the demand for sexual relations. In addition, the fact whether a man is a virgin or not is also important. For some, a week of abstinence causes complete discomfort, for others a month or two does not entail any particular inconvenience. Much depends on whether a man has a permanent partner or not.
So, unmarried young men who do not have a permanent partner lead an irregular sex life, from time to time they satisfy their needs “with whom they have to”.
In such cases, even after abstinence, the young body quickly adapts without causing any special consequences for sexual function.
After the age of 30, interruptions in sexual life, even for several months, can cause premature ejaculation and deterioration of erection, but with the resumption of regular relationships, these errors are quickly restored.
At the age of 40 and older, when most men have a regular partner and suddenly, for some reason, “stagnation” appears in sexual relations, a man may even need the intervention of a sex therapist.
If 50-year-old men and older are forced to stop having sex for 2-3 months, sexual performance may disappear forever.
About the dangers of abstinence
In family life, situations are not so rare when you have to abstain from sexual relations. Another quarrel, late pregnancy with the wife, or simply "my head hurts" …
Let us immediately recall the huge difference between "yin-yang": if in women sexual abstinence is manifested on the mental plane, in men it is reflected in the state of physical health.
There is statistics that sexual abstinence causes, both in women and in men, 60-80% of all neuroses, against the background of sexual starvation, both of them show a decline in working capacity by 70% and 30%, respectively.
There are certain recommendations in order to correctly resume sexual relations after a long break. Since men, after abstinence, can experience a real fear that everything will be fine in bed, women, in turn, should show maximum tact.
The conclusions are obvious: sexual starvation is really harmful, both at the psychological and physiological levels. In the case of prolonged abstinence in men, the hormonal background is disturbed, blood stagnation appears in the small pelvis, and sexual functions fade away. This often leads to the development of chronic prostatitis, premature aging, depression and stress.