Some wealthy people have some vices, sometimes the condition is combined with alcoholism. It is difficult to live with such a person, but his financial capabilities brighten up his existence. But if booze becomes very frequent, the question of further building a partnership may arise.

To live or not to live with an alcoholic, the woman decides for herself. Every relationship is unique, and there is no single right solution. It is important just before making a decision to understand what the pros and cons of such an alliance is, what can be expected in a few years. A correct assessment at the beginning of a relationship will save you from mistakes in the future.
Cons of a relationship with an alcoholic
It does not matter the amount of a man's funds, if he drinks, some difficulties will surely arise. For example, impotence is likely. This will not be a complete failure of the reproductive system, but lethargy and inability to enjoy the process of intimacy. At the same time, there may be a desire, but opportunities will decrease every year. You need to understand that such deprivation is not suitable for every female.
Alcohol leads to distraction of attention, loss of control. If the fortune is earned by the person himself, if he takes care of everything himself, there is a high probability of a decrease in earnings. Frequent drinking leads to hangovers, over the years they are felt more and more, and it can be difficult to focus on business. But if the business is built differently, if other people do business, then a decrease in cash flow is possible, but for other reasons.
Alcohol leads to early aging of the body. A large number of wrinkles, skin problems, and a general decrease in tone are very likely. And if this is not the case yet, then in a few years it will definitely manifest itself. Serious diseases are also possible, for example, cirrhosis of the liver, an ulcer, which greatly spoils life. And the woman who is near will take care of him in moments of weakness.
You can also recall unfulfilled promises that are made in a drunken stupor, spending little time with your family, possible aggression at the time of drinking alcohol. Healthy children are not always born from a drunk person. It often smells like fumes, which is very unpleasant for some people. And then there are alcoholics who try to drink their companion too, which does not lead to anything good.
A woman contemplating the possibility of a future with a wealthy alcoholic needs to be clear about her priorities. Life with such a person will not be easy, and this must be tolerated for the sake of something. If you understand that this marriage will allow you to make a fortune, build a business, or find the connections you need, you can try, but it is important to ensure that you get it all. Think about the ways to get it in advance, and remember that someday you may get bored with life with this person, look for retreat opportunities in advance.
To understand what to expect, look for stories of women who have faced similar problems. There are many stories on the Internet about similar experiences. Life with an alcoholic is not like a romantic fairy tale, because it is at home that a man shows his most negative qualities, and you will have to put up with it. Think, maybe there is another way to realize your goals? And if there are alternatives, pay just as much attention to them.