Life is an exciting adventure that can be painted in different colors. Sometimes she is joyful, pleasant and memorable, sometimes sad and dull. But it is these differences that make it interesting. And life is worth living for many things to make the space even more entertaining.

A person is not always able to live for himself. How often there are people who are ready to work only for the sake of others, to cook something tasty only for guests or loved ones, to do some deeds to win someone else's heart. It is very easy to satisfy your needs, because a person needs a roof over his head, food and comfortable clothes. But if someone is near, then many more needs arise.
Living for loved ones
Almost all people are looking for the other half. And a couple is needed not only to be close, it carries the meaning of life, it fills every day with significance. When there is a person nearby, you want to please him, make his world brighter and more exciting, and this pushes a person to work, to achieve, to act. It is not for nothing that men are very often looking for a muse, and women dream of having a baby. These people bring order into existence, give significance to what is happening.
Having someone around allows you to share what you have. And in the presence of a large number of people, also brag about what others do not have. Social games allow you to assert yourself, strive for more and fill your life with meaning. After all, there would be no significance in an expensive car if it were not desirable for everyone. After all, it performs all the functions that an ordinary car does, but it is the presence of other people, their desire to get it, that makes it important, helps to achieve such purchases.
Life for the sake of impressions
There are people who choose life for adventure and emotion. They strive for more and more experiences, looking for new sensations. Their world seems boring to them, and the constant search for new things makes them feel better. Having experienced something, they dream to strengthen this feeling, to make it even brighter and more interesting. These are people-travelers, they enjoy the views, they visit different countries. For them, emotions come first.
Extreme people live the same way. They are constantly trying to get as much adrenaline as possible, they are not even afraid of the possibility of dying. After all, the power of the moment is much more important. They jump with parachutes, float down mountain rivers, master bungees, and over and over again expose themselves to overloads. You can look for experiences in different areas. Someone lives in search of new tastes, someone strives to try the maximum amount of physical sensations or even fears.
Living for goals
Life for the sake of goals can also exist. A person comes up with a certain peak, and then just goes to it. The raison d'être is to achieve what you want, to get everything that is conceived. This is a very exciting life, but here it is important that the goal is not final. If you achieve everything that was invented, it can become very sad. When achieved, there may be a loss of desire to exist.