You met for a long time in various cafes, parks and clubs, and in the company of friends you always had something to talk about, but now the moment has come when she invites you to visit her home. It doesn't matter if at this moment your acquaintance with her parents happens, or you have known them for a long time. The problem is that you have to entertain the girl and not let her get bored on her territory.

Step 1
The first thing you have to do is show up at her doorstep with a packet of goodies, cakes and fruits (if she's on a diet). You can buy champagne or Pepsi. The presentation of sweets can be accompanied by a funny story.
Step 2
One of the ways to surprise her might be a tea ceremony you have conducted. But before that, you will have to prepare a little. Buy some really surprisingly pleasant and aromatic tea in a special store. Get acquainted with the legend about tea and about the tea ceremony in general. Since it is quite long, cut it down enough that you both feel comfortable and interesting.
Step 3
You should stock up on a disc with some new and interesting films, popcorn and arrange a movie show.
Step 4
You can arrange a concert and sing in karaoke and seriously, confessing your love to her, and then, fooling around, perform something together. You can practice dance moves together, and even prepare a dance number to go to the club together.
Step 5
You can play cards or other board or computer games all evening (just do not take the computer away from the girl, otherwise she will be offended by you for an unsuccessful date). By the way, you can completely install on her computer the new programs she needs.
Step 6
You can bring a dart board with you if she doesn't have one and have a dart hitting competition.
Step 7
You can go out to the balcony and gaze at the stars, remembering a few legends, (a great opportunity to kiss her).