How To Make Her Love Me

How To Make Her Love Me
How To Make Her Love Me

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A lot of guys don't know how to make a girl fall in love with them, which literally drives them crazy. In fact, they are not such girls and strange creatures with special logic, and, of course, it is possible to conquer them, with a certain effort and diligence. Today we will show you how to do this.



A really strong desire to conquer the girl


Step 1

Unfortunately, many girls do not have the gift of telepathy, and not everyone can read in the face, and therefore, in order to win a girl, you need, at least, to show at least some attention to her. This does not mean at all that at the first opportunity you should confess your love (let us tell you a secret, such a rush is very alarming for the fair sex), just say: “Hello! How are you? and ask about it regularly (of course, changing the text), and then it will be easier for the girl to show you her sympathy or for you to move on to the next step.

Step 2

Having started at least minimal communication with a girl, you will probably sooner or later hear from her about any troubles, problems or just troubles. This is exactly what you need, and it is very important not to miss such a moment. In this case, drop everything and go ahead to the rescue, and it doesn't matter what the girl has difficulties with: she needs a rare book or just a bad mood.

Step 3

Yes, yes, even the most disinterested girls, no matter how they convince you of their disinterestedness, still love gifts (in especially difficult cases, you just need to replace a bouquet of roses with a bouquet of wildflowers). It is imperative to congratulate the chosen one on the holiday and give her, even a small one, a present - this is a must, because along with unconscious gratitude, you will plant the first sprout of sympathy, which may grow into love.

Step 4

In order to become a really close person for a girl, even if at first even a friend, and then a loved one, it is worth talking to her heart to heart. It is imperative to start such a conversation together and with yourself. You do not need to spread all your problems at once, and God forbid you to complain, but it is worth asking for advice and trying to be frank. A conversation like this, perhaps, and even probably, will cause the girl to want to share her personal with you, which is already half the battle.
