Municipal kindergartens often lack the financial means to provide the best for their children. And parents, giving their kids on bail to educators, are looking for ways to help the preschool with all their might.

Step 1
The easiest way to help is to donate money to a kindergarten fund. So you will allow the head of the garden to independently dispose of funds and buy what is really needed. You have the right to control the intended use of your funds.
Step 2
Get books. Be sure to specify the age group for which literature is required. Ask your supervisor or educator for a list of recommended authors. After that, go to the bookstore, where they will select the number of books for you according to the amount that you are willing to spend.
Step 3
Buy toys. No matter how many of them there are in the garden, there are always not enough of them. Choose a group with children of a certain age, consult with the educators about the addictions of the kids and go to the store. Toys do not have to be stuffed bears or dolls with fancy hair. You can buy educational games, puzzles and constructors.
Step 4
Buy furniture. Perhaps your kindergarten has long worn out the tables and chairs on which children dine or study with teachers. Discuss this issue with the head of the preschool. You can take over the entire purchase or share it with other parents.
Step 5
Take care of your little ones' health. Sports equipment in kindergartens is not always in excellent condition. Sometimes some of them are simply not used for security reasons. Take on the repair of those that can still be revived, or replenish the garden property with new shells. Pull-up bars, rope ladders, swings, slides or whole sports complexes - all this will appeal to kids.