Timeout is a parenting technique used with success by some parents. Especially often, the need to use timeouts arises during periods of childhood crises, when toddlers and adolescents often fail.

Step 1
If you cannot control the child, he does not want to cooperate and resists any reasonable offer - you both need a timeout. The essence of this method is that the child is free to resist and express his emotions as he pleases, but not in front of adults. Take him and take him to another room, go out yourself or ask him to leave. The time for a timeout is determined by the age of the child - if the baby is 4 years old, then he should be in isolation for 4 minutes.
Step 2
The purpose of timeouts is not to intimidate the child and suppress his will, isolation gives the child the opportunity to reflect on his behavior. Since the capricious spectators no longer have and there is no point in throwing tantrums, the child usually quickly calms down. Moreover, he begins to feel ashamed and realizes that such non-constructive methods of influencing his parents as screaming, crying and hysterics will not only not bring him what he wants, but will also lead to isolation. For some children, one timeout is enough to realize the futility of bad behavior.
Step 3
Another benefit of timeouts is that they prevent attempts to manipulate parents. Have you ever seen children behave in an ugly way at the store counters, but end up getting what they want? And if the parents of such a child learned in time to use timeouts at home, such scenes in public could have been avoided.
Step 4
It is important for a timeout to properly organize the isolation. Do not leave your child in a dark room - you should not add fear to his stress. The child should not be locked either, but he should know that he can only go out when he is allowed. Enter your baby after the tantrum is over and the timeout has expired.
Step 5
You don't have to discuss what happened with young children - start the conversation from the moment during which the attack of disobedience began. In this case, the children themselves understand that they have acted wrong, and rejoice that you are not angry, as well as the opportunity to prove their obedience. An older child or adolescent should be talked to and discussed about his behavior. Explain to your child that you are always ready for cooperation and constructive dialogue, but whims and blackmail will not achieve anything.
Step 6
If you follow the rules, the timeout technique will pay off. In addition, the child will not feel humiliated, because there was essentially no punishment, and you will gain additional authority in his eyes. The isolation method should not be used if the child is sick, frightened, or under severe stress. Remember that a timeout is a method of dealing only with total disobedience and whims.