It so happens that a girl, seeing a manifestation of interest from a young man, thinks that they are about to start a serious relationship. Meanwhile, for him, acquaintance with her is just a fleeting affair. However, do not get upset ahead of time - you just need to help him tune in to the relationship.

Step 1
For starters, a girl should make the guy think about her all the time. To do this, you need to intrigue him, arouse admiration, become a riddle that you constantly want to solve.
Step 2
First of all, you need to be self-sufficient. If a girl knows how to enjoy life without a young man, it will be easy for her to meet her beloved. After all, happy people, like a magnet, attract those around them.
Step 3
To become the best, beautiful and loved for someone, it is worth, first of all, to learn to love and appreciate yourself. A girl should be confident in herself and her charm. If she sees in herself the shortcomings that prevent her from doing this, you need to constantly work on yourself and try to correct them. At the same time, you don't have to try to please literally everyone, the main thing is to become the only one for your loved one.
Step 4
You should not try to attract the guy's attention with revealing outfits and bright makeup, although turning into a gray mouse, perhaps, is also useless. It is better to find for yourself a unique individual style, which may well be restrained and elegant.
Step 5
As long as a guy and a girl have not made serious promises to each other, she may well feel free and even go on a date with someone else. After all, she always has the right to choose, and a young man will only be more interested in a girl who does not immediately try to cling to him.
Step 6
If the relationship has already begun, it should still remain a mystery to the guy. Do not immediately open up your soul in front of him and tell "all the ins and outs" - it can scare him. Better to let him try to solve the mystery of his chosen one.
Step 7
The strongest relationships arise from friendship. It will be good if she gradually turns to love and, only when young people get to know each other better, to sex. Remember, men don't appreciate things that come too easily.
Step 8
If the guy and the girl have not yet become a couple, she should not arrange scenes for him, so she will only push him away. It is better to give the young man the opportunity to calmly think things over and decide to continue the relationship. If he does not call for a long time, do not pester him with calls - such an obsession can only repel.
Step 9
And finally, you need to remain optimistic and see the positive in everything. If the girl did not have a relationship with the guy she liked, then this was not the person she needed. If she understands that she is worthy of love, then she will certainly find her.