Relationships grow cold over time. A person who until recently was everything on earth to you, the whole world and even more, is now not so interesting. Glances to the side begin … What to do to take the relationship out of the "refrigerator" of time?

Step 1
To begin with, remember the past and try to catch the zest that attracted you in the old days. It all started once, once you saw this man in a heroic form, on a white horse … or just under the window of your apartment with mimosas in your hands. Take a closer look at the familiar face: maybe these lips are often curled by an infectious smile, but you do not notice; maybe this person has unusually kind eyes, easily becoming cunning, cheerful or dreamy-sad, and you are used to seeing only wrinkles around them and sloppy eyebrows. In every person you can find your own charming trait - or remember what you have already found.
Step 2
Add some romance to your life. You probably go together, out of habit, somewhere to the south, to burn in the sun on the beach, or to the dacha, to pluck the lower back over the potatoes. Embark on a journey where you haven’t been before. Wander the old small towns of Europe, take a Norwegian fjord tour, fly to Rome or get lost in the maze of Istanbul streets. Common pleasant, vivid impressions often bring people closer together. They again have common topics of conversation, and joy transforms the face, making it even more beautiful and attractive.
Step 3
You can also act on the other side. Instead of pouring rivers of honey, add some pepper to your relationship. If you are a woman, make yourself a marvel and fly out of the house, accompanied not by your husband, but only by a cloud of spirits; if you are a man, dress as stylishly as possible, insert a rose into the buttonhole and, whistling, close the door of the apartment from the outside. After that, you can go to the store or watch football with a light heart, but you will surely cause jealousy in your soulmate. With all this, be extremely careful: you want to return your loved one, and not move away from him even more, because he may not understand you.
Step 4
You do not need to pepper or salt. If you have a calm nature and adventure is not your destiny, just take a break from your everyday affairs and devote an evening, two, three, a whole week, just to each other. Send the children to their grandmother, forget about household chores, check into the hotel and go to restaurants, cafes, theaters, cinema, museums. Talk all night long, dress your best, dance. Live as if your whole existence is given only to the person next to you. It is not for nothing that they say that the most attention should be paid to the spouse, even more attention than to children.
Step 5
If nothing works, it's worth thinking: maybe it's yourself? If you are a man, look at yourself in the mirror. Do you have a belly, your favorite drink is beer, your favorite pastime is watching football matches, and your expression is rarely more joyful than complete despondency? In this case, it is unlikely that your spouse will be able (even with all the desire) to kindle to you with the same interest. If you are a woman, also start with a mirror and linger in front of it longer than a man. Have you stopped looking after your appearance, abandoned fitness, walk around all day in curlers and never smile? There is good reason for your spouse to be sad. So if everyone starts with themselves, more drastic measures will not be needed in the end.