The very word "vacation" is synonymous with the concepts of "freedom", "opportunity to relax". During vacation, you can not think about tedious work moments, change your lifestyle for a while and be a completely different person. Very often, vacation is associated with such a concept as "holiday romance". Many consider spa activities to be only temporary events, while others take them more seriously. A new acquaintance in a foreign country can completely take over the mind. One question arises - "what will happen next?"

Step 1
There are several points that can give rise to hope for the continuation of the resort relationship. To determine these moments, try to objectively assess the current situation and, of course, take a look at your new acquaintance "from the outside". The first sign of a serious relationship may be the topic of your conversations. For example, if you can talk for hours not only about the beauty of the landscape, but also about something personal, then this suggests that your relationship is not as frivolous as it might seem at first glance.
Step 2
The second sign: lack of awkwardness during communication and intimacy with a spa fan. If you are not embarrassed, do not feel discomfort, then this indicates that you trust the person and at the subconscious level are already ready to continue meetings after the end of the vacation.
Step 3
The third sign: if you imagine how you will return to workdays and dream of having your new fan next to you, then this speaks not only of the emergence of affection, but also of the emergence of more serious feelings. Imagine your social circle, think that there is no "temporary" lover in it. Feelings of frustration and regret in this case are a clear sign that you are most likely already in love with your spa partner.
Step 4
If looking at a person you think that you would gladly introduce him to your parents, talk about your childhood, introduce him to your friends, then your feelings are not just flirting. You already represent the fan in your future. On intimate topics, you would hardly want to tell a stranger, you should at least trust him and consider him your friend.
Step 5
In the presence of all the above points and the absence of marital obligations on your part and on the part of the resort boyfriend, the chances of continuing the relationship increase several times. In addition, if your chosen one openly invites you not to end your acquaintance and hopes for new meetings, then fortune is in your hands. If you are confident in your feelings, do not lose the opportunity to become happy.