From time to time, children get sick, so a baby thermometer in the house should be mandatory. Now you can choose one that is comfortable for you and does not bother the child.

All thermometers are divided into three groups: liquid, electrical and optical. There are also special temperature indicators - thermal tests. They can measure the temperature of the body, water and air.
A mercury pediatric thermometer is a mini-version of a thermometer known to everyone since childhood. Accuracy up to 0, 1. The result is easy to read thanks to the prismatic insert that visually enlarges the scale. Advantages: precise, thin, small. It serves for a long time, you can treat it with disinfectant solutions. Disadvantages: It takes 5-10 minutes to measure the temperature. It can break, and then there is a risk of injuring the child with glass or poisoning with mercury vapor. Price: from 30 rubles.
Electric. Measures temperature using built-in sensor sensors. Works faster than mercury - from a few seconds to 5 minutes, depending on the model. The result is displayed on a digital display. Advantages: versatile, shock-resistant, equipped with a sound signal, memory, timer, automatic shutdown. Models with a waterproof case can even measure the temperature of air or water. Disadvantages: an inaccurate result is possible when measuring in the armpit due to loose contact with the body. The error is quite high - 0, 1-0, 5. Price: from 100 to 1000 rubles.
Optical thermometers. Determine the temperature by the power of infrared radiation emanating from the child. They do not need to be held under the arm or in the mouth; it is enough to put them on the ear or forehead for a couple of seconds. Depending on the model, 8-16 measurements are taken and the maximum value is displayed. Error - 0, 3. Advantages: equipped with memory of previous measurements, sound signal, automatic shutdown, display backlight. Impact-resistant housing and special attachments make the devices safe and hygienic. Disadvantages: An ear thermometer can be inaccurate for otitis media. You need to buy replacement caps as you use them. Price: from 1100 to 2000 rubles.
Thermotest. A heat-sensitive plate that is glued to the child's forehead and changes color or shows the outline of a certain letter. The result is available after 15 seconds: temperatures up to 37.5 are displayed with the letter N, above - F. Some types of thermotests show an increased temperature, rounded to the nearest degree: 37, 38, 39.40. Advantages: thermotests are good on the road and for continuous temperature control in young children. Disadvantages: disposable, very large error. Price: about 100 rubles.
Most advanced. Non-contact infrared thermometers do not come into contact with the body at all. Advantages: it is convenient to use them to measure the temperature of a sleeping child - it is enough to bring them to the body by 2-5 cm. The best models have a measurement range from -20 to +80, they can determine the temperature of air and water. Equipped with built-in memory for eight or more results and automatic shutdown. Price: from 3000 rubles.