The most beneficial for the baby is breast milk, with which he receives all the necessary substances for life, growth and formation of the body. Only not infrequently there are situations when a woman's milk simply disappears or an insufficient amount is produced, then milk formulas come to the rescue.

Step 1
The mixture is selected individually for each child, the age and health of the baby must be taken into account. There is no such thing as one formula suitable for all children without exception. Of course, among domestic and foreign manufacturers of baby food there are leaders who are the best on the market and produce the safest products.
Step 2
To choose the best formula for your baby, there are some simple yet very effective rules to follow. First of all, you should not buy several cans of food at once, one is enough. If during feeding there is a violation of the child's stool, skin rashes, anxiety and intestinal colic appear, then such a milk mixture should be discarded.
Step 3
Pediatricians strongly recommend choosing only adapted milk formulas, which in their composition are close to human milk. Examples are mixtures of "Nan", "Nutrilon", "Nutrilak". This food is excellent for artificial feeding, regulates the baby's intestines, prevents gas formation, and normalizes the microflora. Among the Russian manufacturers, the Agusha mixture was approved, which is produced ready-made, it is only enough to warm it up to the required temperature.
Step 4
If the children have noticed the appearance of urticaria or atopic dermatitis, then it is worth feeding them only with hypoallergenic mixtures. Nanny's excellent milk formula meets all the requirements. It contains goat's milk, which does not cause allergic reactions in children.
Step 5
Do not forget about medicinal mixtures, to which children with various health disorders are often transferred. If the baby is lactose intolerant, then he is given exclusively lactose-free milk nutrition. The following manufacturers have proven themselves excellently: "Nan lactose-free", "Nutrilon lactose-free". Of course, they are quite expensive for the price, but the health of the child always comes first. If the child often spits up, he vomits, then it is necessary to buy an antireflux mixture. The best in this category are: "Humana Antireflux", "Nutrilak Antireflux", "Frisovom".
Step 6
The more carefully parents approach the choice of infant formula, the better it is for the health and development of the baby. Since it has already been proven that the best are mixtures of imported manufacturers, then the savings in this case should generally come in last place.