How To Keep Your Child At Home: Space Sand

How To Keep Your Child At Home: Space Sand
How To Keep Your Child At Home: Space Sand

One of the most popular children's fun in recent years has become a game with magical, truly fantastic sand - kinetic. The material for the development of babies is often also called space. Sand with unique characteristics resembles ordinary river or sea sand, but there is almost endless scope for imagination.

How to keep your child at home: space sand
How to keep your child at home: space sand

It is soft, plastic and like crumbly - space sand is a favorite version of the game for children of all ages. Its purchase is a godsend for those who cannot often go for a walk on the sandpit in the yard or on the beach. Now the playground will appear in your home! At the same time, you should not be afraid that babies will stain everything around with unusual sand. The substance, pleasant to the touch, is easily collected from the floor, it is not sticky and does not leave marks on hands and clothes. To remove it, it is enough to wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth.

Environmentally friendly, as the manufacturers assure, kinetic sand is absolutely safe for children. It is easy to mold, which allows you to create objects of any shape, helps to develop fine motor skills.

You can play with space material even on the couch, without being afraid to cover everything around with grains of sand. It is best to pour the sand into a plastic container or special sandbox, which often comes with the product. There are also molds for modeling in the set, which allows you to have the most fun time.

The sand created with the help of space "magic" does not require wetting with water. It is a very malleable material that in a matter of seconds will turn into a dense ball or a scattering of grains of sand. By the way, a kinetic product of various colors is on sale - pink, yellow, blue, etc. You can buy both foreign and domestic space sand. They differ in name and insignificantly - in composition, the Russian product is positioned as "Space", and, for example, the Swedish one as "Kinetic".

What is space sand made of?

Interesting fun helps to keep the child busy for a certain time, and you can play with him all year round. Space sand does not dry out, but you can mold a castle, animal figurines from it, or simply load material into a dump truck. You can also diversify any other game with the help of a kinetic product, for example, smooth its surface and draw funny faces on it. Or write letters, hide a typewriter in the depths of the masses, arrange a competition to build the highest tower, and much more.

Kinetic sand differs from ordinary sand in that it contains special polymer substances that make the material pliable. 98% of the product consists of quartz sand. The modeling mass is hygienic, the game for children's creativity gives a lot of bright discoveries to a child of any age.

Communication with the material for children becomes not only an option for a fun pastime, soft sand helps to feel peace, calm down. Therefore, you can give kids to play with him in the evening hours. On sale, unique sand is found in ordinary toy stores, you can buy it online.
