Sand play promotes the development of imagination, creativity and perseverance in the baby. It is imperative to encourage the child and help him if he loves to spend hours fiddling in the sandbox, sifting sand and building castles, mountains and various tunnels.

If you add more toys, then the kid will have his own unique world, where he thinks up and fantasizes, learns to work and achieve his goal.
When a child plays with sand and touches it with his hands, he develops hand motor skills. The child's eye meter develops at the moment when the child determines how much sand should be poured into the mold.
Every mom should play the following games with her child
• "Prints". Leave your foot or handprints on the sand and ask your child to add pebbles, twigs, and leaves to add them. You can get funny faces and figures.
• "Little Mouse". It is necessary to teach the child to dig holes in the sand. Build houses and tunnels. A toy must be used to captivate the child. Let your kid learn to build houses for his favorite toys.
• "Fence for a bunny." You can teach your child to build a sand fence by clapping their palms. Let him build a fence behind which the bunny can hide from a wolf or a sly fox.