When a child turns 4 years old, his cognitive activity increases. Parents should take advantage of this to help their child develop their intelligence, skills and abilities. Do not put off preparing for school until the last year. It is also not worth hoping that there will be enough educational activities in kindergarten. If you start to study with a baby at this age, school will be very easy for him.

Many parents believe that at 4 years old their child is still too young for any activity. This is mistake. Delaying help in the development of the baby for later is one of the most common mistakes parents make. In order to teach a child something new, you need to know what he should be able to do at his age. This knowledge will also help determine if his development is age appropriate.
From the side of attention, a 4-year-old child should be able to:
- Carry out the task given to him without being distracted for at least 5 minutes.
- Keep 5 objects in your field of vision.
- Find objects of the same shape and color without assistance.
- Add 4-part pictures.
- Find differences and similarities in pictures and toys.
- Build simple buildings from the constructor.
- Repeat for adults the actions shown in sequence.
- Stomp your feet and clap your hands at the given word.
From the side of thinking, a 4-year-old child should be able to:
- Collect without assistance a pyramid of rings (at least 7 rings).
- Call generalizing words a general group of objects.
- In the groups of objects, find those that do not fit one or another of the given parameters.
- Look for pairs of objects.
- Be able to find opposite words.
- Solve simple logic problems.
From the memory side, a 4-year-old child should be able to:
- Repeat for adults several different syllables in a row.
- Be able to accurately complete a task consisting of 4 teams.
- From the first time to name an object that disappears from his field of vision.
- Repeat by ear for adults 5 words in a row.
- Know a few small rhymes by heart.
- To tell the content of a fairy tale read by adults.
- Replay in memory the vivid events of life and recent events.
On the part of fine motor skills, a 4-year-old child should be able to:
- Launch small tops.
- String buttons and beads.
- Tie knots on a thick rope.
- Be able to independently fasten zippers, buttons, hooks on your clothes.
- Connect bitmaps without lifting the pens from the paper.
- Color drawings without going beyond the contours.
- To paint simple pictures with paints.
- Draw lines in the right direction and the right size.
On the part of mathematical development, a 4-year-old child should be able to:
- Show where there is one object in the room, and where there is a lot.
- Find objects that look like geometric shapes.
- Distinguish between right and left hands, right and left, up and down.
- Count items.
You can teach your child to count while walking. Going down the stairs, count the steps, swinging on the swing, count too. Count everywhere and whatever you can count. The result will not be long in coming.
From the side of the development of speech, a child at 4 years old should be able to:
- Answer questions like a dog barks, a cat meows, etc.
- Tell what animals and people can do.
- Make 4 sentences each about a particular toy or picture.
- Understand the words of generalization.
- Match words in case, gender and number.
- Pronounce letters, except for sonorous and hissing.
- Answer simple questions asked to him.
To develop your child's vocabulary, speech therapists advise spending more time reading. Also, reading books before bedtime soothes babies, adjusts to sleep and has a very beneficial effect on their development.
From the outside world, a 4-year-old child should be able to:
- State your first and last name, and the names of relatives.
- Know how old he is, the city in which he lives.
- Know the seasons and their features, professions, the appearance of the house in which he lives.
- Distinguish and know the taste of at least 3 vegetables and 3 fruits.
If a child knows and can do everything that is described above, then his development corresponds to the age of 4 years. Parents shouldn't just stop there. You need to constantly strive to comprehensively develop the baby. Show by your own example that knowledge is power. Indeed, for a child, his parents are the main role model. It reads and copies their behavior. The more parents put their energy into their child at this age, the easier it will be for him when he goes to school.