The kid grows up, gradually getting acquainted with the world around him, in which everything is unusual and interesting. We, adults, are already accustomed to the routine of life and often what is difficult for a baby causes us bewilderment. When a child sees a toy for the first time, he has no idea what to do with it. An adult needs to be near, to show what this object is for, and if it is difficult to direct the baby's actions.

- - rattles
- - musical toys
- - dolls
- - cars
- - constructor
- - tableware
- - play set of doctor, hairdresser, seller
Step 1
Baby's first games.
When the baby is just born, he is not interested in toys yet. You can show them to him as much as you like, but not see the response. Just for a newborn at this time, sounds and touches are of great importance.
At about 1, 5-2 months, the baby will begin to see his first rattles, bright, sonorous, beautiful. And a month later (each in its own time) will begin to keep them. Every month, new manifestations will be observed in the child's attitude to toys.
It is important for adults not to leave the child alone with toys, since for now he can only hold them in his hands, and there will be no game as such. Open up to the baby all the possibilities of the toy, do it several times yourself and together. Show him how a car rolls, a ball, for example. Soon you will see for yourself that the child has learned to use this toy and performs actions on his own.

Step 2
We play with children 1, 5 - 2 years old.
Already from 1, 5-2 years old, you can play various everyday situations with children, for example, cooking dinner, meeting guests, putting dolls to sleep, etc.
You can play not only separately with a car, soft toys, dolls, but also with several objects at once. It will be very useful to play simple plots with toys (for example, how a bunny came to visit a hedgehog, said hello, a hedgehog treated the bunny to tea, say goodbye to each other), and then it is more difficult to offer. Usually young children enjoy watching such performances, and then begin to show them with great pleasure.
While playing with your baby, let him play the role of mom or dad, give him the opportunity to express your love for someone and take care of him. This is important because the child receives your love, and his emotions remain unused.

Step 3
We play with a child 3-4 years old.
At the age of three to four years, children become more conscious. They are already able to convey in the form of a game what they saw or heard (for example, after visiting a cafe, hairdresser, doctor's office).
From the age of three, you can stage mini-performances with your baby based on the plots of books you have read and familiar cartoons, first choosing those that he loves.
You can reproduce it in parts, starting with those events that he remembered better, which means he liked it better.
Already at 3-4 years old it is worth teaching to play together with peers. But this does not relieve the adult from being present during the game. It may be necessary to disclose actions or help resolve inevitable quarrels, conflicts (which very often arise due to the inability of children to communicate together).
If a child spends a lot of time with other kids, but adults more often want to stay away and do not interfere with their games, then he will learn to find a common language with other children, but it will be quite primitive to play with them: pushing, running, bullying.
It is important not to allow the child to get used to commanding or, conversely, to obey and, growing up, either constantly argue with other children ("commanders"), or cannot defend their position ("subordinates").
If you are sending your child to kindergarten, then use the advice of other mothers about choosing an institution. Find a kindergarten that not only has a lot of toys, but also where educators teach children and organize their games together.

Step 4
Games with a 5-6 year old child.
At the age of 5-6, the child usually plays well plots from his favorite books or cartoons and various everyday situations. Sometimes you can play with him, giving new plots or replaying various life situations, rules of conduct, for example).
A child at this age, if he does not attend kindergarten, just needs a playmate - otherwise he will not learn to establish contact with peers and build communication with them. An adult in this situation cannot replace a child partner, because adults cannot play long enough and communicate with a child differently than a peer would.

Step 5
Games for children 6-7 years old.
From 6-7 years old, only occasional intervention of an adult is allowed, provided that the children found a common language, learned to play together. If, at this age, a joint game is just beginning, the adult needs to help negotiate and, if they are shy, encourage them.
At this age, for joint games, children most often choose "Daughters-Mothers", "Educator and Children", "Supermen", "Princesses", etc.
Pay attention to what the child is interested in, what characters he imitates.
The more diverse the content of the role-playing games that children play, the more developed their inner world and soul will be. On the contrary, his inner world threatens to remain undeveloped and primitive if the games are monotonous.
If adults buy only robots, dolls, soft toys, monsters for a child, then this can lead to a non-development of the child's play experience, narrowing the horizons. Therefore, always make sure that the toys are varied (monsters and monsters are best avoided).
Stuffed toys and dolls are very necessary not only for girls, but also for boys, as they help the concept of relationships between people. Soft toys calm the child, give a feeling of warmth and comfort.
Likewise, cars, airplanes and other equipment are necessary not only for boys, but also for girls, since if a girl plays only with dolls, this can lead to a narrowing of her interests, restrictions on development.