How To Walk With A Child

How To Walk With A Child
How To Walk With A Child

When a baby appears in a family, parents ask a large number of questions, among which the question of how to walk with the child, how long, in what weather, how to dress for a walk? Walking with the baby should be given a lot of attention.

How to walk with a child
How to walk with a child
  1. Clothing. Dress the child in comfortable clothes, trying to give up those that hinder movement. Remember that the child is actively moving, which means he is warmer than his mother or grandmother. Overheating, which is caused by an excess of clothes, is much more dangerous for the health of a child than hypothermia. If you still don't know how to dress your child for a walk, put on one more layer of clothing than yourself. Arriving home, touch the baby, if he is all sweaty, conclude that he was hot and take into account the experience gained next time. There is no need to cover your baby's mouth with a scarf, as the sinuses do an excellent job of heating the inhaled air.
  2. What kind of weather. You need to walk in any weather. An exception may be a downpour, hurricane, blizzard, air temperature above + 40C and below -30C. If it is raining lightly outside, you can take a walk in the courtyard under a canopy or under umbrellas. You can keep your kid busy with drawing with crayons or making up rhymes. The main thing is that you are in the fresh air.
  3. How long to walk. You need to walk with your child as long as possible, at least two hours a day in good weather. But if your baby is still very small, up to three or four months, and sleeps almost all the time during a walk, there is no need to constantly walk down the street. It is enough to arrange a dream on the balcony, while the mother will have time to do chores or relax.
  4. If the child is sick. During the period of illness, the need for fresh cool air increases many times. Therefore, if the baby's body temperature is not higher than 37, 5C, and the general condition allows you to walk, then feel free to go outside. Avoid walking when the baby's body temperature is above 37.5C, he feels weak and bad, or simply does not want to go for a walk.
  5. Walk actively. Help your child have a fun and active time, take part in a walk, and do not just walk alongside. Pay his attention to monuments, various objects, flower beds. Study the plants that grow in the park where you walk every day. Feed the birds with bread. Enjoy your time.
  6. Do not avoid, for fear of illness, playgrounds and teams. It will be useful for the child to play and communicate with other children and adults.
