How To Properly Feed A Newborn Under 1 Year

How To Properly Feed A Newborn Under 1 Year
How To Properly Feed A Newborn Under 1 Year

The first year in a baby's life is a period when the intensive growth of the child is observed. And in order for the baby to develop correctly, it is necessary to pay special attention to its diet. A baby up to one year old receives useful substances not only with mother's milk, after six months of his life, it is time to introduce complementary foods.

How to properly feed a newborn under 1 year
How to properly feed a newborn under 1 year

Pediatricians in all countries are convinced that breast milk is the best food for a child from birth to one year old. After all, this food not only contains vitamins and microelements necessary for the growth and development of the baby, breastfeeding gives mother and baby a feeling of closeness, unity. Also, mother's milk gives the newborn protection against diseases by strengthening the immune system. In this case, a nursing mother must certainly follow a diet.

The correct diet for a baby up to a year

When breastfeeding a child, his menu should contain a single item - mother's milk - up to about six months. If the baby eats with the help of mixtures, the time for complementary feeding comes earlier for him. In any case, it is necessary to introduce cereals, juices and mashed potatoes in the little gourmet's menu only after agreement with the pediatrician watching the child and always monitoring the eater's reaction.

When buying ready-made baby food, carefully check the composition of the portion, giving preference to a trusted manufacturer.

You can experiment with tastes from four months by including juice - vegetable or fruit - in the baby's diet. Only a few drops should serve as the first portion. For a start, it is better to choose juice from green apples, pears, avoiding citrus fruits, berries. It is advisable to dilute the juice with water in a ratio of one to one. Give a nutritious drink before meals. The best option is freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits grown in your area. But in the absence of your own harvest, you should give preference to baby food from the store.

Puree, porridge and meat

Complementary feeding will help the baby's digestive system to adapt to adult food and make the transition from breastfeeding to it smooth. You can introduce puree from vegetables and fruits into the baby's diet from 5-6 months, depending on the type of feeding before that - formula or breast milk. You need to start with a quarter teaspoon, gradually increasing the proportion of mashed potatoes eaten. As a complementary food for the first time, apple, squash, pumpkin puree is ideal. For starters, these should be hypoallergenic and one-component products. Feed your baby puree correctly before meals and in the morning to be able to see the reaction.

A good nutrition for a child from 6-8 months should include cereals. First - dairy-free, for example, buckwheat, rice, and then - with milk. Feeding porridge should be started right away with a spoon, so that the baby gets used to using cutlery. At about the same age, you can eat a little cottage cheese, boiled egg yolk, chopped banana.

Cottage cheese and other fermented milk products for baby food must be bought in the dairy kitchen, store products will be of little use.

You can introduce meat in the form of mashed potatoes from 7 months, gradually adding a portion of the product to the vegetable puree. You need to start with turkey, tender veal, rabbit. It is worth feeding with meat in the morning so that the baby does not feel heaviness in the stomach.

You can give kefir and other fermented milk products from 9 months, and you need to arrange an acquaintance with baby cookies at 8 months. But it is better to postpone the fish for a period after a year, tk. this product, although it brings many benefits to the growing body, is an allergen.
