Any mother is concerned about her baby being fed. Many mothers suffer from their insecurity that the child is not full. The phrase that only a child who eats well can be healthy, we ourselves heard in early childhood. In fact this is not true.

Step 1
What you need to pay attention to in order to avoid the negative consequences of overeating, but at the same time be sure that the child is not hungry. First of all, you need to remember that no two children are alike, and each has its own needs. Therefore, a friend's talk about what portion her boy eats at dinner does not mean that your girl should eat the same amount. It's better to focus on the following data. Up to nine months, a child should receive from one hundred ten to one hundred and twenty-five kilocalories, at the age of up to a year - from one hundred to one hundred and ten kilocalories, up to one and a half years - another ten kilocalories less, and up to four years - the number of calories is calculated at the rate of ninety kilocalories per one kilogram of weight.
Step 2
The child should eat when he has an appetite, and the task of the parents is to properly organize the period of wakefulness in order to teach the child to eat at a certain time. If you do not allow snacks and fill the time between meals with a variety of activities, then very soon the child's body will produce gastric juice immediately before meals, which will have a beneficial effect on the child's health. The total time a child spends on food should not exceed a quarter of an hour.
Step 3
Eating food should not be torture for a child. At the same time, parents should not entertain the child while eating, so as not to form in him an erroneous motivation for eating.