Almost all parents face difficulties when they need to wake up a small child in the morning before kindergarten or school. Most children refuse to get out of bed and show discontent, not wanting to get dressed and go somewhere, and parents do not know how to cope with this, and how to properly wake up the baby in order to reduce negative emotions from early awakening. How to accustom a child to the regime and wake up ahead of time?

Step 1
Often, children refuse to get up in the morning if the new wake-up time does not coincide with the usual daily routine. If you put your child in kindergarten, find out in advance what daycare the children are in kindergarten, and gradually start getting your child to get up and go to bed at the right time to reduce the stress of a sudden change in routine.
Step 2
Track how much time the baby sleeps during the day - if the daytime sleep was insufficient, the baby should sleep longer at night. Otherwise, he will not get enough sleep, and the awakening will be doubly unpleasant for him.
Step 3
Pay attention to how comfortable the child's bed is, and whether the bedding is irritating to his skin. The child's sleepwear should also be comfortable and spacious, not restricting movement. Airing your bedroom before bed will help keep your sleep healthy and restful.
Step 4
Do not put your child to bed with a full stomach, or vice versa, too hungry. This will make sleep restless, and as a result, awakening will be restless.
Step 5
The child should fall asleep in a good mood, feeling the love and care of the parents. Form specific bedding rituals - just as you form awakening rituals. Make the child's awakening calm and pleasant, gradually bringing him out of his sleep state.
Step 6
Turn on soft, pleasant music, light a night light, act kindly and slowly. Call your child quietly by name and gently wake him up by hugging and kissing. Ask the child what he dreamed and how he slept.
Step 7
Do not get the child out of bed immediately after waking up - give him time to wake up completely, invite him to do exercises in a lying position, stretch, move his arms and legs. Give your child a light massage, turn on fun music and go with your child to wash and do other morning routines.
Step 8
Play loud music only when the child is fully awake. She will help him to cheer up. If the child is just starting to wake up, the music should be quiet and relaxing.