Are Vaccinations Harmful To Infants?

Are Vaccinations Harmful To Infants?
Are Vaccinations Harmful To Infants?

Several years ago, young mothers were not asked for consent to a newborn vaccine. They were made for every baby who did not have a “medotok”. Much has changed in the area of infant vaccinations today.

Are vaccinations harmful to infants?
Are vaccinations harmful to infants?

What changes have taken place

First, the consciousness of the parents themselves has changed. They began to think about the fact that each intervention in the child's body has certain consequences, which largely depend on the individual characteristics of the child's health.

Second, current legislation recognizes parental choice over vaccination. Therefore, the threats of pediatricians that an unvaccinated child will not be taken to school or kindergarten are absolutely unfounded.

About the dangers of vaccinations

The question of whether vaccines are harmful to infants has been hotly debated in recent years. Opponents of vaccination prove their beliefs about the dangers of this procedure by the following facts:

- The very first vaccination given in the hospital is called BCG. In the West, it was abandoned long ago, but in the post-Soviet space it is being done to all children. BCG does not prevent infection with tuberculosis, but it helps to avoid severe forms in case of illness. Vaccination given to infants alters liver function and has post-vaccination complications.

- The fight against hepatitis B also begins within the walls of the hospital. Because of the complications associated with the vaccine, WHO has recommended that vaccine manufacturers reduce dosages or eliminate preservatives in vaccines.

- A baby one month old receives the same dose of vaccine as a five year old baby. That is, the immature immune system of the baby must fight the causative agent of the disease in the same way as an older organism would.

- Studies by specialists from different countries show that sudden child death syndrome is associated with vaccination.

- The immunity acquired through vaccination is not lifelong. After a certain time, revaccination will be required.

- Breastfeeding protects the child's body better than artificial vaccinations. With mother's milk, the child receives antibodies to various diseases, including those from which children are carefully vaccinated.

- And, finally, in our time, there are no longer many diseases against which society is still fighting. They have not disappeared completely, but appear in isolated cases and are treated with modern medicines.

So, the main argument for refusing vaccinations are serious adverse reactions and the question of the need to vaccinate. Of course, every parent has the right to do as he sees fit, but do not forget about the responsibility he bears for the decisions made.
