What To Do With A Teenager Who Steals

What To Do With A Teenager Who Steals
What To Do With A Teenager Who Steals

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Practical advice for parents who convict a teenage child of stealing. How to respond correctly to the situation?

What to do with a teenager who steals
What to do with a teenager who steals


Step 1

Don't shout or scold your teenager. Better, to some extent, to ignore the very fact of theft. Focus your efforts on restoring trust with your child, ask him about his success in school, ask about his hobbies, praise for his successes. You can give your child a small surprise in the form of a gift. Such an inadequate reaction on the part of the parents will make the child ashamed of his deed and repent of his deed.

Step 2

If it is difficult for a child to communicate with peers, in this way, he can bribe their good disposition towards himself, especially if the children humiliate and laugh at him, because he does not have certain fashionable, expensive things. The child tries to reach their level by resorting to theft. It is necessary to help the child in other ways to win the attention of peers, or try to be friends with children who have the same interests. Real friends are interested in the person himself, in his qualities, and not in his financial situation.

Step 3

The teenager can use stealing as a way of self-affirmation. He perceives himself as a brave, resourceful person who is ready to take risks, is not afraid of anything and acts contrary to prohibitions. Help your child find other ways to assert himself. Point out that an adult, courageous, independent person is responsible for his actions.

Step 4

By stealing from parents, a child can protest against the rules. This happens if the life of a teenager in the family is subject to the strictest control, many prohibitions are imposed, the child has practically no personal space. Reconsider the rules of upbringing in your family, the child should have enough freedom. Better encourage him to be more responsible, you can give the child more responsibilities related to family and home.

Step 5

Theft can be caused by extortion of older and stronger peers. Intimidation and humiliation from aggressive children can induce a child to steal. The main thing is to find out the situation in time. And punish the hooligans. Therefore, do not shout, do not scold the child, first try to find out the reasons for his action. Always be open. In the future, the teenager will immediately turn to you for help. Your child will know that they will not receive criticism, but the support they need.
