How To Explain To A Small Child Where Children Come From?

How To Explain To A Small Child Where Children Come From?
How To Explain To A Small Child Where Children Come From?

Modern children, thanks to the developed media industry, learn about the relationship between a man and a woman quite early. However, this does not mean that you need to entrust the education of a child in such a delicate matter as the birth of children, television and the Internet. Parents should be prepared to explain this process in simple, accessible words.

How to explain to a small child where children come from?
How to explain to a small child where children come from?

The right approach

From a psychological point of view, the early interest of children in how they were born is completely normal and natural. But, unfortunately, many parents who did not receive the correct sex education about this in childhood, not only do not consider it necessary to answer children's questions, but are also outraged by such curiosity. As a result, the child develops the first complexes and shame for the fact that he asked something wrong, which made the parents angry with him. However, modern parents are increasingly trying to instill in their children the understanding that conception and birth are completely healthy and natural processes, while educating them on this topic as carefully and accurately as possible.

Correct sex education helps prevent early adolescent pregnancy and the development of an inferiority complex in a future adolescent.

First of all, when explaining the birth of children, you do not need to lie and write stories about being in cabbage or generous storks - the child should receive an undistorted understanding of the issue. Otherwise, he can at least be laughed at by peers who have received a more accurate and truthful explanation. If parents cannot find the right words, it is better to entrust this delicate mission to a psychologist who will be able to convey the description of the process to the child without traumatizing his psyche with colorful descriptions or stupid epithets.

Correct explanation

If a child asks how he was born, there is no need to defiantly grab a bottle of Corvalol and tell him that he is still small for such sacred knowledge. Also, in no case should you shame a child for curiosity or laugh it off - after such "answers" children either consider sexual relations shameful or funny, or begin to study the issue on their own or with the help of outsiders. Therefore, first of all, you need to remain completely calm, show adequate emotions and not translate the topic, since the child will still return to it - only without the participation of the parents.

If a child himself comes with a similar question, this means only one thing - he still fully trusts his parents, which is very important for his further growing up next to them.

It is very important to answer the child, given his age - for example, for children under the age of three, the short answer "are born" is often sufficient. Older children already show active curiosity in this regard, supported by a mass of questions, so such an answer is unlikely to satisfy them. First of all, it should be explained to them that mom and dad fell in love with each other, wanted a baby who grew up in mom's tummy for nine months, and then was born in a maternity hospital. If you wish, you can resort to specialized children's literature, where the conception and birth of children is presented in the form of simple and understandable pictures - however, it is advisable to avoid overly detailed anatomical illustrations.
