How To Teach A Child To Dress

How To Teach A Child To Dress
How To Teach A Child To Dress

Any mother wants to take care of her baby, feed him, dress and undress. But there comes a time when the child himself must master all these skills. The ability to dress yourself is one such skill that should be acquired before attending kindergarten. At the age of 2, 3 years, the child tries to do everything himself, he develops an interest in everything, he tries to become independent.

How to teach a child to dress
How to teach a child to dress

The first thing that a child begins to master is undressing. Do not interfere with this, even if he takes off his hat or tights for half an hour. If by the age of one and a half he does not succeed, do not panic and immediately rush to his aid. Of course, if the baby still does not cope after long attempts, you can help him out or push him a little. You should not do everything for him, otherwise, as a result, interest in self-development will disappear.

During the period when the child is learning how to dress, parents should choose clothes that he can wear. For example: sneakers with Velcro, sweaters without buttons and buttons, with a wide neck. Success in dressing will pique his interest even more.

Another way to teach your child how to dress is through role-playing. You should offer to dress your favorite doll or dress up as some fairy-tale hero.

Before going outside, you can arrange a competition to see who gets dressed faster. And next time try to present some awards for his victories. This will definitely interest the child even more.

To memorize the dressing sequence, you can use a paper doll as an example. You can do it yourself.

The main thing that psychologists focus on is the choice of clothes with the baby. Let him look at the things that he likes best, he will wear them with pleasure. Praise is the most important thing, so that every victory of the baby will not go unnoticed. In any case, by the age of 5-6, the child will learn to dress himself.
