School neurosis is a form of fear neurosis. "School neurosis" is a consequence of maladjustment to school, which results in the impossibility of productive learning and interaction with peers and teachers within the framework of this educational institution.

"School neurosis" consists in the child's anxiety and fear associated with attending school or certain situations of the educational process (answer at the blackboard, retelling of the text, etc.).
There can be many reasons for the onset of school neurosis. First, the individual characteristics of the student: the type of temperament, character traits. These include increased anxiety, hyperresponsibility or carelessness, non-standard thinking, etc. The reason may be insufficient experience of communication with peers and adults, if the child has not attended kindergarten.
Another factor in the emergence of school fears is a violation of the child's adaptation to the school regime. It is difficult for him to get used to the fact that he has to sit still for a long time, that he needs to answer questions in front of all classmates and receive grades for this. Discomfort and reluctance to attend classes appear.
Sometimes it happens that the child does not experience difficulties in interacting with his teacher: it seems to him that he is being nagged, that he is given lower grades than others, that he is reprimanded more often, etc. But most often the reasons for school neurosis come from the family: if a child is scolded and punished too often, or there are conflicts between parents in the family, the student experiences a constant sense of guilt and is afraid to anger and upset the parents. Because of this, he is scared of getting a grade lower than they expect.
It is quite easy to notice the first symptoms of school neurosis, but quite often parents do not make attempts to remedy the situation in any way, believing that this is normal and will soon pass. The most common symptom is that the child does not want to go to school. He comes up with a thousand reasons and excuses, feigns illness or heats a thermometer to high temperatures. A child with school neurosis often forgets (or deliberately leaves) school supplies at home. Coming home from school, he avoids questions about school and hides diaries and notebooks from the eyes of his parents, inventing reasons for their absence (he forgot at school, the teacher took it for a check, etc.). At school, this manifests itself in the difficulties of communicating with other children and with the teacher, in the fear of answers at the blackboard, increased sweating and tremors.
Parents should pay attention to such symptoms and consult a specialist in a timely manner. The sooner you start treatment, the fewer learning and communication problems your child will have in later life!