For some men, the father instinct works immediately, for some it comes gradually and later, and some seem to live without him all their lives. Perhaps we do not see this, or maybe we just ourselves interfere with the manifestation of this instinct. How and when can it manifest itself in a man?

Step 1
To begin with, let's immediately determine that the paternal instinct or the parental instinct manifests itself in different ways. And for many men, as well as women, the parental instinct is not given from birth. It is an acquired skill expressed in caring for their offspring. This means that if the man's parents did not take care of laying such a skill, you will have to try.
Step 2
The father instinct is most often manifested in the early stages. When the child is small and cute and taking care of him is more like playing mother and daughter. In order for the father instinct to manifest at this stage, you need to prepare your partner for the role of father in advance. Discuss the child before he arrives. Give the man the opportunity to buy things for him himself, let him buy some clothes and toys. Dream together how soon you will have fun with your child playing games. Tell your chosen one what he can teach the child.
Step 3
Often in families, when a child has already appeared, a woman suffers, saying that a man does not have a father's instinct. And the man at this time simply does not know what to do, or says that he will take care of the child when he grows up. Show your partner that you need and can communicate with your child at all stages of his life. Give him instructions on how to behave with the child. Give him more responsibility, don't take everything upon yourself. This is your child, he is shared, and care and attention should be shared. Let the partner play, bathe, walk with the baby, and gradually he will begin to want to take care of the child more and more.
Step 4
The father's instinct is also expressed in the material support of the family. Often, men do not understand why they should earn more with a baby. Show your partner the spending on the child, even if he buys everything he needs for the baby at least several times a month. Write down how much you need: a crib, a stroller, diapers, diapers, books, toys, clothes. Try to think together with your partner what you want to give your baby and how to provide it. A man should be present in all areas of a child's life, not just financially. But the financial component is the most important while the mother is not working and sitting at home with the baby.
Step 5
If the child is already quite large, and you still have not seen the proper interest in him from your chosen one, try to talk to him about it. There are often reasons for this. Perhaps a man considers this demeanor to be correct, because it was so in his family, then it is worth showing him more successful family examples, where parents and children are happy from communicating with each other. It is also possible that your environment affects your partner, then let him think about whether such an environment will remain in old age and, more importantly, family or friends. In any case, talk, communicate, strive to find a common model of behavior ideal only for your family. And do not forget to seek the help of specialists in serious and neglected cases.