Many people think about this question too late, when the child is about 10 years old. And then the children do not understand why they suddenly want to fulfill any duties, if up to that moment their life was calm and measured.

If the mother wants the child to help around the house and does it as she wishes, then it is advisable to start teaching him to work as early as possible. Slowly it is worth attracting the baby to household chores - from about 1 year and 2 months. Most children by this age can walk and show remarkable curiosity. It is at this moment that it is worth bringing the little researcher to help with the household. You ask: "How can a one-year-old man help me?" Of course, don't expect him to cook, wash and clean tomorrow. You need to start small.
At the very beginning, he will be able to do easy tasks (for example, submit a toy, pick up a book, etc.). At first glance, it may seem that this is a waste of time and effort, because it will take more time to complete even the simplest tasks. But this is not the case. The child can prove himself, not making a mess, but helping his mother to do chores around the house. Over time, the list of possibilities will expand.
The most important thing is that you do not need to force the kid to do business without his desire, because this way you can discourage the thirst to help at the very beginning. It will be very difficult to correct this situation in the future. Take enough time for your toddler to learn how to do the task correctly. It is better to spend more time at the beginning than to constantly redo everything after him. Of course, do not expect from the baby that he will succeed at once, it will take time, practice, mother's calmness and tact in learning.
By following this tactic, you can achieve great success by the age of 3. A child can learn many things:
• Remove toys
• Turn on / off light
• Pour water
• Serve various things (remote control, telephone, clothes, etc.)
• Help with cooking (serving cutlery, placing ingredients on a platter, stirring salad, etc.)
• Help serve dishes and remove cutlery in places
• Wash (put laundry in the washing machine, serve laundry to hang, etc.)
• Vacuum (pull the cord out of the vacuum cleaner, remove small things from the path, chairs, etc.)
This is not yet a complete list of what a child can do in the household. If he does it with pleasure, then over time he will develop a habit. Most importantly, a mother needs to praise her baby and thank him for his help. The brighter you show your emotions, the more willingly the baby will help and try to do everything efficiently. Praise proportionately. The larger the case, the more emotionally it is worth reacting to it.
If you succeed in following all the recommendations, then you can teach your child to help and teach him to work. Mom will be able to gradually ease her life and reduce the number of responsibilities and find a good helper.