There are many recipes for alternative medicine among the people. Since ancient times, people have treated various diseases with herbs and other means. For example, honey cakes are still used today for cough relief.

A child can start coughing at any time, no matter how old he is. And this is not always the result of a cold. An allergic reaction to dust, odor, or a food can cause a cough. A child can cough from foreign particles, such as bread crumbs, entering the respiratory tract. Diseases of bronchial asthma or tuberculosis are also accompanied by a cough.
You must first get advice from a pediatric doctor who will establish the cause of the cough, prescribe medication, or recommend using folk remedies.
If, nevertheless, the child is coughing due to a respiratory illness, along with medications, treatment with honey cakes can be used, which gives a very good effect.
This folk method is used only if the child is not allergic to honey.
Medicinal properties of honey
Since time immemorial, people of all countries have appreciated honey as a delicious and nutritious product and as a remedy for many diseases. Honey is easily absorbed by the body and has a beneficial effect on it: it relieves stress from the nervous system, regulates the work of the cardiovascular system. The composition of honey contains vitamin B, cobalt, magnesium, copper, iron, due to which it improves the activity of the hematopoietic organs.
Honey consists of fructose and glucose, which are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and help the body to replenish its energy deficit.
Treatment with honey cakes
There are several recipes for making honey cakes. For example, you can mix a teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of regular salt. This composition is spread on the chest through a cloth, covered with polyethylene, on top with a towel and left overnight. The honey will be absorbed into the skin and the salt will remain on the fabric.
Another way is to make a dough cake made of equal parts honey, flour and vegetable oil. Such a cake is laid out on the chest through a layer of gauze, bypassing the heart area. From above, as in the first case, the cake is covered with a film and a towel. Such a compress is done before going to bed and kept for 1, 5 hours, first on the chest, then on the back.
To achieve a stronger warming effect, half a teaspoon of dry mustard can be added to the cake.
If you do not want to treat the child for a long time, you should remember that lozenges with honey are applied 2 times a day. After honey procedures, the child should definitely change clothes, first wiping the body with a warm, damp towel.