A boring and monotonous ponytail can be easily transformed into a stylish one with a slight tweak. Incorporating new elements, such as simply twisting a bundle of hair in a pigtail, will create a cute summer hairstyle that will remove excess hair from the face and neck.

The famous ponytail hairstyle has long ceased to be monotonous. You can simply collect your hair in a modest bun, or you can make it from braids braided along the entire length, decorate with a hair knot, or make a ponytail from several sections.
There are a lot of options for ponytail hairstyles. Therefore, you need to choose a hairstyle depending on the situation. If the classic tail, that is, a bun of hair gathered at the back of the head, is intercepted along the entire length with elastic bands, this will already be a different hairstyle, stylish and beautiful. Simple hairstyles with thin ponytails, which can be secured with bright hairpins, elastic bands, laces, look attractive and unusual.
Hairstyle from fine ponytails
This hairstyle is perfect for very little girls. The hair is divided into the parietal and occipital zones by a horizontal parting from ear to ear. On the parietal zone, thin tails stand out, tied with elastic bands - the same or multi-colored. It is more convenient to form ponytails along a horizontal line, but you can also make them diagonally. The resulting ponytails and loose hair should be gently combed in one direction.
A variation of this hairstyle: hair is also divided into thin ponytails, the more there will be, the better. On each tail, 4-5 elastic bands of different colors are fixed along the length. The hairstyle turns out to be fun and interesting, despite the ease of implementation.
Ponytail mesh
This hairstyle is best done with wet hair. Hair should be washed and combed back from the forehead. Using a comb on top, divide the hair into 5-6 strands - depending on the thickness of the hair. The thinner the ponytails are, the better the hairstyle looks. Each ponytail is secured with an elastic band.
Let's say there are five tails. We begin to weave a mesh from them. Divide the middle tail into two equal parts. You must do the same with the nearest tail. Combine half of the first tail with half of the second, secure the resulting strand with an elastic band. On the other hand, do everything the same way. Repeat next.
There is no need to separate the last tails on both sides. They are simply connected to half of the ponytail next to it. The result is the second row of the mesh with new tails formed from the first row. Then do everything in the same way until you get the third row.
You can finish your hairstyle on the third row or continue to weave the mesh. We got several ponytails directed downwards - if the length permits, they can be tied into one large ponytail or braided. It is better to fix the result with varnish.