Each child is individual, develops and grows in different ways. Everyone has a special intellect and mindset. Additional classes are needed for every child, in different areas, depending on the needs and interests of the student. English lessons, drawing, swimming - there are many different things to do.

How to choose additional activities for a student?
The school, of course, plays a special role in a child's life. But, nevertheless, additional classes are necessary for the successful consolidation of the knowledge gained at school, as well as the development of other activities that are absent in the classroom.
Extracurricular activities are a great way to spend leisure time and gain new knowledge, which leads to the manifestation of a variety of talents. It is advisable for the student to spend time with benefit, learning something new and interesting. When choosing an occupation, one should take into account the character of the child, temperament, inclination to something. You should definitely consult with your child, find out about his desires, preferences. The student should be encouraged, inspired, but not forced. The main thing is to choose the right activity that would bring joy and benefit to the child.
When choosing additional classes, you should pay attention not only to the subject itself, but also to the teaching staff, the necessary certificates and insignia of the educational institution.
Choosing this or that activity, you need to think about whether there is any benefit from it, and how the child himself relates to this. It is better to consult with the student, see what he does best, and then choose. If a child draws well, then he should be sent to an art school. If he has an excellent memory and quick thinking, then pay more attention to foreign languages. And when the child is mobile, then those sports that require energy consumption are best suited for him.
Initially, you need to observe the child, and then make a choice.
What are the additional activities for the student?
For additional education of the child, specialized circles, art and music schools are suitable.
Classes should be interesting and informative, but not pointless. You should monitor the child's results and in the future conclude whether it makes sense to continue learning.
Artistic circles: develop imagination and creativity. If a child loves to draw and sculpt, while he succeeds in doing something, you should definitely enroll the child in artistic activities. Before you enroll a student in a circle, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the information about this group. It is best if a real professional works with the child - a master of his craft, who has experience with children.
English lessons for children can be very rewarding and educational. If the child has an excellent memory and good pronunciation, this is the best option. You can sign up for foreign language courses or use the services of a tutor. You can study both English and any other language. The advantages of studying are that memory, thinking, and development in general are trained.
If the student has a well-developed analytical mindset and logic of thinking, you can choose computer courses or attend additional computer science lessons. The child will receive versatile computer training. For younger children, classes can be played in a playful way.
There are many different activities: the main thing is to choose the one that the child needs. All children are talented, but their abilities can and should be developed in the right direction.