Play is the best form of teaching children. Child psychologists and teachers agree on this point, and therefore this technique is actively used in educational institutions of different levels. But this does not mean at all that you should limit yourself to playing activities in kindergarten or school. After all, games for a girl or a boy can easily be invented by the parents themselves.

Step 1
There is much debate today about early development. Opinions are conflicting. But even if you are an ardent opponent of this phenomenon, this does not mean at all that your child should grow up completely without attention. After all, development is not only foreign languages or teaching preschoolers the alphabet and reading. Development is more than that. This is adaptation to the world, acquaintance with it in all its manifestations. This is the formation of thinking, logic, perception, fantasy, creativity … This is what games for girls and boys contribute to.
Step 2
To begin with, carefully observe your daughter. It is necessary to understand what interests her. Break away from the stereotypes that girls must play with dolls. This is wrong. Many boys are happy to dress up bobbleheads, and young ladies drive cars and shoot pistols. We are all different, with our own preferences. And these preferences should be reckoned with. Only with this approach will games for girls be really developing.
Step 3
Let's say your daughter enjoys spending time with you in the kitchen. Excellent! Invite her to cook something together. Come up with an original recipe. The main thing is to allow the child to take an active part in the discussion of the ingredients and the process of mixing them. This promotes the development of fantasy. In addition, you will be able to instill in your child useful knowledge about safety, rules for handling fire and water. Or experiment a little. In the kitchen, it's as easy as shelling pears to do this - pour water into a mold and put it in the freezer. And then study what happens to the liquid when exposed to cold and how it behaves after standing at room temperature.
Step 4
In fact, there can be many options. It's easy to come up with educational games. Life itself pushes us towards interesting discoveries. You just need to be a little more attentive to what is happening around. Understand that what seems common and simple to you is a miracle for a child. He does not yet understand even the most elementary things. And the task of the parents is to explain them to him clearly.
Step 5
If you can't do anything on your own, get professional help. Search online for girls' games or send your daughter to an early childhood school. Fortunately, there are plenty of those today. Perhaps after attending a couple of classes, you will have thoughts about how to come up with educational games for a girl. Thoughtfully observe the actions of a professional educator during classes with toddlers. You will learn a lot of interesting things, and you will be able to carry out some games in the future already at home.