No matter what time we live, play always remains the leading activity of children of preschool and primary school age. Despite the introduction of modern gadgets into the gaming industry, active outdoor games still remain relevant.

One of the most common among children is the traffic light game. Its rules are quite simple. Initially, two lines are drawn. Players stand along the first line. The driver stands between the first and second lines. He needs to turn away from the bulk of the players and shout a color. Those people who have this color in their clothes freely pass to the opposite line. Other players who do not wear the named color must run across to the opposite line. The task of the leader is to catch the runner.
The next game is also loved by all children. It is called "Broom". This game is a symbiosis of catch-up and rallying exercises. According to the driver's account, everyone scatters in different directions. Next, the leader must catch up with someone. The person who is caught up also becomes the second leader. Further, all caught players become the leaders. This continues until one person remains.
An even more fun game is "Telephone". Players line up in one line. The first person in the line comes up with a word and quickly pronounces it to the second person. So, along the chain, the word reaches the last person. The last player must say out loud the word that has reached him. At the end of the game, the words are distorted so much that sometimes the form of the first word is completely distorted. Such word-creation is sometimes very funny. Children love to play with the sound of words. This game develops not only hearing, but also mental functions: perception, imagination, speech, attention.
Ball games are also popular. One such game is "Cripple". A team of players, about 15 people, stands in a circle. The essence of the game is that the ball must fly chaotically from one person to another. The throws must be spontaneous. If the person to whom the throw was directed did not catch the ball, then the throwing person may take away any part of his body, voice or vision.
The game "Fanta" is rather old, but still relevant. Its essence lies in the fact that cards with tasks are prepared in advance. In this game, the more players, the better. Each player sequentially pulls out one of the cards on which the task is written and tries to complete it. The task must be given not too simple. For example, call an unfamiliar number and offer to buy dumplings. In this game, tolerance to uncertainty of actions develops well.