The moment has come when you and your baby were discharged from the hospital, the daily routine has already been established, all the household help you as much as possible. However, the reflection in the mirror does not please the young mother at all. Then she begins to think about when it is possible to start actively playing sports.

Often, young mothers are tormented by many fears, including unreasonable ones. They are afraid to harm the baby by their own wrong actions.
In matters of sports, such precautions are fully justified. Active activities immediately after childbirth can bring not only benefits, but, on the contrary, negatively affect the condition of the mother.
When to start practicing
Any physical activity after childbirth must be included in your life consistently.
After the birth of a baby, additional exercises appear in your life that were not there before. You constantly carry the baby in your arms, put it in a crib, walk with the baby in a sling or take a walk with a stroller. All these activities, natural for a young mother, contribute to the gradual strengthening of her body.
Some time after giving birth, you can start practicing at home, involving your baby in this process. Hiking, light stretching, stretching and relaxing muscles are your best friends during this period.
It is not recommended to actively engage in sports for women until the end of the recovery period. This period of time on average takes 1, 5-2 months.
For athletes, the recovery period can take only 3-4 weeks, for women who did not lead a very active lifestyle and before childbirth - several months.
A number of restrictions are imposed on a woman's habits, which must be observed so as not to injure the body once again after childbirth. How long this period will last for you, the obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you.
A strong load on the body can be given only a year after giving birth, without forgetting to consult a doctor. This, in addition to practicing any kind of athletics, also includes running and active cycling, which give a great load on the heart.
Choosing a sport after childbirth
After recovering and receiving permission from a doctor, you can start regular exercises. The choice of the type of training should be approached very thoroughly so that sports do not harm lactation and the general well-being of a young mother.
It is recommended to start with activities that do not require a heavy load. Ideal for such purposes are, for example, aqua aerobics, Pilates, belly dance. Such sports help to tone the body, correct the figure: remove the stomach, tighten the buttocks and maintain beautiful proportions.
Aerobic exercise has to be bypassed due to the large number of exercises that injure the chest, for example, jumping.
For starters, it is best to exclude aerobic exercise. Classical aerobics and step lead to the loss of a large amount of moisture, which negatively affects the amount of milk produced by the woman's body.