Competitions foster girls' creativity, stimulate their intellectual activity and bring pleasure and fun through the spirit of competition.

Step 1
Choose the format of the competition for girls. One of the options is to create teams that will have to compete with each other in some skill. You can also organize a competition involving the participation of each girl individually.
Step 2
Pick a theme for the competition. Depending on the age of the participants, it can be a competition in the culinary arts or for the best craft, a beauty contest for little fashionistas, and so on. If you want to coincide the date of the competition with a certain holiday, make the competition thematic. For example, by May 9, you can organize a competition among girls for the best essay about the heroines of the Great Patriotic War.
Step 3
Make a list of the requirements that girls must meet in order to compete. For example, for a beauty pageant, the selection criteria are age, height, musical, acting or other abilities.
Step 4
Find the jury members who will rate the participants. Depending on the size of the competition, these can be educators or teachers, child psychologists, famous actors or actresses.
Step 5
Rent a suitable venue for the competition. It should be roomy enough and conveniently located.
Step 6
Identify prizes for the winners in your competition. It is better if these are some themed gifts. For example, for a competition for young housewives - books on home economics or a set of potholders. If there are serious sponsors, replace symbolic prizes with more valuable ones: a ticket to a children's camp, a TV or a video camera.
Step 7
Inform about the upcoming competition. Put up posters, advertise on radio, television, or in the newspaper. Let as many people as possible learn about the competition.
Step 8
Conduct qualifying rounds, according to the results of which the composition of the participants will be determined. During the dropout process, be guided by the number of children that should be the result.
Step 9
Divide the competition into several stages, after each of which one or more participants or teams will have to be eliminated. When compiling assignments, try to diversify them.