Almost all parents perceive the cough of their child as a problem that must be eliminated immediately. But it is completely in vain: in most cases, coughing is not evil, but good. After all, this process is necessary for the body to get rid of mucus that accumulates in the upper respiratory tract, and from the pathogenic microbes contained in it.

So, it is only necessary to fight with a "dry" cough, in which there is almost no phlegm. He usually torments babies with laryngitis and tracheitis. In these cases, it is advisable to use "Codeine", "Glaucin" and other drugs that suppress cough. You can also use the so-called folk remedies - steam inhalation, hot milk with honey and soda.
In acute respiratory infections, the cough usually starts out "dry" but soon becomes "wet". As mentioned above, in such cases it is better not to suppress it so that the phlegm is removed from the body. But if the cough lasts too long, and the phlegm leaves poorly, mucolytic drugs are usually prescribed, that is, diluting: "Bromhexin", "Ambroxol" and the like. But they should not be used for too long, otherwise the cough may only worsen. You can also use agents that improve the secretion of sputum. This, for example, "Mukaltin", "Pectusin", "Likarin" and others, they all contain extracts of various plants.
If the cough is caused by bronchitis or asthma, none of the above remedies will help. Doctors prescribe antispasmodics, for example, "Salbutamol". Also, it is impossible for bronchitis to rub, put mustard plasters and cans, glue burning plasters on the chest and back, take antibiotics. After all, bronchitis is usually caused by viruses, and such drugs do not work on them. It is better to use hot water baths of 39 degrees C to increase blood flow (but only if the child does not have a fever). On the other hand, antibiotics are indispensable for coughs caused by pneumonia.
Never use cough suppressants yourself. First of all, you need to find out the reason that caused this cough. And only a doctor can do this. He will also prescribe the correct treatment regimen.