In caring for newborns, medicinal herbs are of great importance. Chamomile is often used, since the spectrum of its beneficial effects is very large, it can be used both externally and internally.

Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, has a calming and cleansing effect. A decoction of chamomile has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and intestines, and after suffering colds, it strengthens the immune system. For the correct dosage and selection of any herbal preparations, you need to consult a specialist, especially if the baby is diagnosed with skin or neurological diseases.
The child can be bathed in a weak chamomile decoction as soon as his umbilical wound heals, if the doctor has not identified any contraindications. The concentration of the broth after checking the perception of it by the baby gradually increases. In order to notice possible allergic reactions in time, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin and the general well-being of the child.
If an allergy occurs, the use of the broth in any form is immediately stopped.
To check, a decoction is applied to the skin area, and in the absence of a negative reaction, a weak solution can be used for bathing after half an hour. Chamomile has the ability to relieve stress, calm the child, and improve his sleep. The use of a decoction is very effective as a prevention of various irritations and diaper rash. When bathing, the water temperature should not be higher than 37 ° C, and the procedure itself lasts no more than 10 minutes.
It is impractical to use herbal baths regularly, it is best to take breaks for 10-15 days. When bathing, make sure that the child does not swallow water. Also, you should not rinse the baby with clean water after bathing to prolong the healing effect of chamomile infusion. Wipe the skin with dabbing movements.
Newborns very often suffer from pain in the stomach, and chamomile tea helps to avoid gas formation and accompanying pain. Chamomile tea is very beneficial for children and adults, in addition, it relieves pain and anxiety. If you give chamomile to a child before bedtime, a healthy child will sleep better.
Another plus of drinking chamomile for children from an early age is that they cease to perceive it as a medicine, getting used to this taste. In the future, older children, when treating colds, take inhalations from chamomile and gargle with its broth well.
Newborns can also be prescribed warm chamomile tea as a laxative, but it is better to refrain from excessive use, despite the fact that it relieves colic very well.
Also, with chamomile broth, older children can flush the nasal passages with a runny nose and suspected sinusitis. The negative effects of using chamomile in one form or another are rare. To protect yourself, you should buy all types of medicinal plants exclusively at the pharmacy, and not from random people in the market.
Chamomile tea is brewed for drinking for newborns for no more than 10 minutes, with severe disorders of the digestive system, the time can be doubled. If, after or during the use of chamomile, any negative phenomena that may be associated with chamomile are noticed, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor as soon as possible.